Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

35 years of bicycle activism

I recently stumbled upon Steven Reed Johnson’s excellent history of Portland’s bicycle “movement”. In that paper, he details the formation of the Portland’s first official group of bicycle activists: “In November 1971, the City of Portland created the first citizen committee to examine bicycle programs in the city, the Bicycle Path Task Force (led by … Read more

Perceptions of enforcement

The issue of enforcement against bicycles is contributing to an increasingly acrimonious relationship between the Police Bureau and some members of the bike community. In addition to the well-publicized and unresolved fixed-gear bicycle issue, allegations of selective enforcement are still being made, especially by downtown messengers who feel they’re being unfairly targeted for both fixed-gears … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Eurobike announcement surprised POVA too

Although they met at Interbike and were in the midst of ongoing discussions, the Portland Oregon Visitor’s Association (POVA) did not expect Messe Friedrichshafen’s big announcement to bring a major bicycle trade show to Portland in September of 2007. In a conversation today with POVA’s VP of Sales, Michael Smith, I learned that the two … Read more

Community Cycling Center announces safety grants

The Community Cycling Center has just announced their annual Bicyclist Safety Mini-Grant Program. These grants (up to $5,000) are available for projects that, “promote the safety of bicyclists in Oregon.” Last year, these grants helped fund the Share the Road Mural, a Shift helmet giveaway, and the popular Get Lit program. The grants are available … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Update: Serious doubts about Eurobike Portland

[Doubtful] With each passing day, the likelihood of Messe Friedrichshafen (the company behind Eurobike) following through with their announcement to bring a major bicycle trade show to Portland grows slimmer. With only ten months left until their alleged show, they still have not confirmed dates, approached exhibitors, or even given it a name. Even as … Read more