Portland’s bike boulevard bonanza

[All signs point to more bike boulevards] In case anyone gets the wrong impression after my post about Berkeley’s bicycle boulevard efforts, I thought an update on Portland’s progress was in order. Here are a few things I’ve come across just in the past week or so. SE Foster Bypass Bicycle Boulevard With strong leadership … Read more

Bikes in the community: My talk with John Canda

[John Canda, head of the Mayor’s Office on Youth Crime Prevention] On Wednesday I met with John Canda to hear his perspectives on how bikes might play a larger role in community policing. John is the Mayor’s youth crime prevention czar. Prior to that, he led the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, one of six coalitions … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

What Portland bike boulevards dream about

[Berkeley’s Bike Boulevards, by Clarence Eckerson (for StreetsBlog)]Length: 8 min. 12 sec. Clarence Eckerson’s latest StreetFilms piece focuses on Berkeley California’s bicycle boulevard network. It’s a great film and it shows that Berkeley is way ahead of Portland in creating slow, traffic-calmed streets that are safe and appealing for people (not just cars).

Act locally; thoughts on North Portland

Since I proposed a neighborhood meeting last week (in response to community reaction to an attack on cyclists in North Portland), I’ve been thinking about the issues, reading comments, seeking advice, and trying to determine the best way forward. Some issues on the table — race, gentrification, youth violence — are vast and complex and … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bakery offers bike-thru window

[Bike up and get your fix.] Black Sheep Bakery, maker of surprisingly yummy vegan treats at 833 SE Main Street, has installed Portland’s first bike-thru window. And the best thing about it? No cars allowed. Owner Amanda Felt has outfitted her new retail space (she’s been selling wholesale for years) to offer special service to … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

National committee endorses sharrows

[Sharrows in NW Portland.]Photo: Todd Boulanger At the recently completed annual meeting of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD), they voted 35-0 to endorse shared lane markings (aka sharrows) and forward the recommendation to the Federal Highway Administration. From there, it is a small step into officialdom… inclusion in the next edition … Read more