Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Metro passes Columbia Crossing resolution

Opponents of the Columbia River Crossing (CRC) Task Force’s plan to build a gargantuan, $2-6 billion new highway bridge claimed an important victory last night. Metro Councilors heard a steady stream of public testimony in support of two resolutions to study other alternatives that were put forth by Metro Councilors Rex Burkholder and Robert Liberty.

Local builders prep for Handmade Bicycle Show

[Don Walker, the man behindthe show (and the shirt).] Next weekend (March 2-4) in San Jose the world’s best bicycle craftsmen will come together at the third annual North American Handmade Bicycle Show. Portland will have a strong presence at the show this year with five exhibitors making the trip. Headset and hub manufacturer Chris … Read more

Could defunct landmark become new bike hub facility?

“Parks Department planners see the thousands of cyclists commuting over the Hawthorne Bridge daily and imagine that a shower, storage and repair facility might be a good use.”-from Oregonian article Bikestation board member and City of Vancouver Transportation Planner Todd Boulanger noticed an Oregonian article last month that he thinks offers the perfect opportunity to … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Let's shift the dialogue on the Columbia Crossing project

The Columbia River Crossing project is moving into a crucial phase, and it’s headed in the wrong direction. A few weeks ago, I expressed concern about this project. Since then I’ve learned more and heard from many experts who share my concerns. It’s now clear to me that we need to do something to stop … Read more