Celebrate bike love on St. Velo-tine's Day

[Elicia Cardenas shows the love. 4/29/06] Portland’s bike-loving Breakfast on the Bridges crew has birthed a new holiday that is sure to become an annual tradition; St. Velo-tine’s Day. Tomorrow morning (2/13) from 7-9am on the Hawthorne and Broadway Bridges, they’ll be holding the special event where they encourage you to, “Celebrate the day of … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Passing thoughts on riding fast

[Editor’s note: This is the first contribution from John “Dabby” Campbell. Dabby is a veteran Portland bike messenger, bike polo player, and a prolific commenter on this site.] [John “Dabby” Campbell] If there is one thing that cycling allows, it is freedom. The ability to choose your path, to clear your head, enjoy the fresh … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Jobs of the week: 2/9/07

The following jobs were posted in the past week. For more jobs or to learn more about this service, visit the Job Listings page. Laughing Planet Cafe Counter staff, food prep Yakima Products, Inc.Inside Sales and Service Representative The Community Cycling CenterProgram Leader – Kid’s Programs