Lisa Caballero (Contributor)
BikePortland Articles by Lisa Caballero (Contributor)
Update on two major capital projects in southwest Portland
(Photos: Lisa Caballero/BikePortland)
West Portland Town Center report puts racial equity front and center
This week, the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) released the long-awaited Proposed Draft of their West Portland Town Center Plan (WPTC). It “leads with a health and racial equity lens” and the WPTC effort has baked in anti-displacement policy into every aspect of their ambitious plan. If they can maintain the diversity and affordability … Read more
Follow-up: Digging a bit deeper into Portland sidewalk history
NOTE: This is a follow-up to our story from last week titled, Sidewalks and Portland: It’s not so simple —— Exactly who pays for building Portland’s sidewalks has been inconsistent throughout the city’s history. The inconsistency “is illuminating to the degree that it falsifies a long-standing myth among citizens and government officials alike—that all of … Read more