Get ready for the revolution at Bike Happy Hour this week
Folks from the Revolutionary Bicycle Club will join us to share what they’ve been up to, and Matt Zajack will bring one of his Traffic Monitor devices for show-and-tell.
Folks from the Revolutionary Bicycle Club will join us to share what they’ve been up to, and Matt Zajack will bring one of his Traffic Monitor devices for show-and-tell.
Stickers are the currency of bike culture and primary purveyors of propaganda.
It feels totally natural and serendipitous that I’ll get to spend this milestone birthday with all of you!
And one lucky winner will get a $50 gift card from Migration Brewing.
Councilor-elect Jamie Dunphy, community leader Marnie Glickman, and a free prize raffle!
It’s our new home for winter.
He’s likely to win a seat, so it’d be smart to come up with good answers.
Bring your voters guide!
Two intriguing candidates you should know more about.
With the election around the corner and campaigns heating up, our crowd is eager to hear from more candidates.
It should be a nice night on the Gorges Beer Co patio.
All bikes welcome at this good excuse to gawk at cool bikes and meet cool people.