The bike bus movement has schools across Portland walking and rolling
Many schools across the region are catching the healthy virus of active school transportation.
Many schools across the region are catching the healthy virus of active school transportation.
It helped spark a movement that has sprouted bike buses all over the country.
Tweaks will make funding harder to get.
HB 3014, otherwise known as the “Bike Bus Bill,” would allow Oregon school districts to fund creative transportation options.
HB 3014 may one day be known as the “bike bus bill.”
This morning in Barcelona, I discovered the joys of the bike bus aren’t limited to northeast Portland.
I wanted to know how the kids are faring now that it’s cold outside.
After years of terrible national headlines that (inaccurately and unfairly in my opinion) portrayed Portland as a dysfunctional war-zone wasteland, last night there was a story that will help shift that narrative. The mighty Alameda Elementary School bike bus that Portlander Sam Balto launched back in April, was featured on NBC Nightly News, one of … Read more
International Walk + Roll to School Day has been celebrated in dozens of countries around the world since 1997, and Portland has excitedly participated for years. But I suspect this year’s observance – set for this coming Wednesday, October 12th – will be even bigger than usual. After more than two years of Zoom school … Read more
Sam Balto is a serial safe streets entrepreneur. His first claim to fame was using cardboard cutouts of football star Tom Brady to slow traffic down outside a school he taught at in Boston, Massachusetts. Then, after he moved to Portland in 2018, Sam’s tactical urbanism went to the next level with the “Red Cup … Read more
“Every school should have this.” – Danny Cage, Oregon Environmental Justice Council We were impressed by how many kids and parents showed up to the Alameda Elementary School bike bus when we covered it back in April. But now it’s more than twice that size! This morning Taylor and I rode with Alameda Physical Education … Read more