Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

After another fatality on Barbur Blvd, ODOT tweet hits a nerve

Another person died while traveling on SW Barbur Blvd this week. It’s the fourth fatality since 2010 on the notoriously dangerous 1.6 mile section of the road between Terwilliger and Hamilton. With a record of so much carnage and rampant high speed and high risk driving, many Portlanders want to see the Oregon Department of … Read more

Freight Committee: “Postpone any advancement” of Barbur road diet

Barbur needs more capacity, not less, says freight committee.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) The Portland Freight Committee, a group that advises the City’s Bureau of Transportation on “issues related to freight mobility”, penned a letter to Commissioner Steve Novick (and sent a copy to Mayor Hales) that outlines their opposition to the proposed “road diet” on … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Barbur road diet addressed at Portland City Council meeting

Novick in Council chambers yesterday.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) City Council took up a resolution yesterday to endorse the SW Corridor Plan, a regional planning effort to determine the best way to implement high-capacity transit through the Barbur Blvd corridor in southwest Portland. Thanks to a concerted push led by the Bicycle Transportation Alliance that included … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Novick issues ‘A message to Barbur road dieters’ – UPDATED

“… The idea of a Barbur road diet is obviously not something all our regional partners have signed off on. We hope they will not be perturbed by the prospect of a study of a road diet…”— Steve Novick, City of Portland Transportation Commissioner At tomorrow’s City Council meeting, Transportation Commissioner Steve Novick had the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Council agenda doesn’t include Barbur; BTA will rally – UPDATED

UPDATE, 10/8: The BTA is no longer holding a rally, but they still encourage folks to show up and testify. More on their blog here. Next week’s Portland City Council agenda has been published and it doesn’t include a key amendment on the SW Corridor Plan resolution that the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) was hoping … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Advisory committee to Novick: “Bring to bear all possible pressure on ODOT” to study Barbur Blvd

“Unfortunately, ODOT has decided to prevent improvement of bicycle lanes on its segments of SW Barbur. More significantly, ODOT is basing its decision on a questionable analysis of conditions.” SW Barbur Blvd should have the same amount of bicycle traffic — more than 5,000 bicycle trips a day — as N. Vancouver Ave. But it … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

City Club of Portland to ODOT: Status quo on Barbur is “unacceptable”

“This crucial connection to Southwest Portland has been too dangerous for too long and delayed action will almost certainly result in more preventable collisions and injuries.”— City Club of Portland The City Club of Portland, a local civic institution founded in 1916, has added their voice to the growing chorus calling for the Oregon Department … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

BTA urges Portland city council to study traffic impacts of Barbur Blvd road diet

Screen grab of BTA website. The Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) has stepped up their effort to move the SW Barbur Blvd road diet proposal forward. Their chosen tactic is to urge the Portland City Council to pass a resolution next week that would begin a collaborative effort between PBOT, Metro and the Oregon Department of … Read more

ODOT region 1 manager lays out Barbur road diet position in letter to Commissioner Novick

ODOT Region 1 Manager Jason Tell.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) The most powerful Oregon Department of Transportation employee in the area, Region 1 Manager Jason Tell, has now officially weighed in on the debate about a road diet on SW Barbur Blvd. Over the weekend, we obtained a letter (PDF) Tell sent to City of Portland … Read more