Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The Erik Tonkin Column

[eriktonkin.bikeportland.org] I’m happy to announce that local professional ‘cross racer Erik Tonkin will be publishing a weekly column here on BikePortland.org. Well, not exactly here…I went and made him his own space. He’s gotten off to a great start with this article about how his friends help beat him up in mock races around Reed … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Reed College Faux Prix

What would I do without my friends? Last year and this year, they’ve helped me stage a pseudo but otherwise full-on ‘cross race, so Rhonda and I could get in a serious training effort as we prepare for ‘cross worlds. Yes, life in general is easy with such willing (and clearly none too bright!) pals, … Read more