[Pedalpalooza runs from 6/8 – 6/24 and is organized by Shift to Bikes. View the full schedule here.]
Here’s a list of today’s events:
5329 NE Sandy Blvd. (Hollywood Bike Gallery)
9am, every Sunday
These rides are for women wanting to push themselves a little further. Terrain varies with the changing routes be they hills, longer flat rides, or shorter quicker paced rides. 20-40+ miles with an average of 13-18 mph. All rides are group rides and begin at 9am. Road bikes only.
Dana Barnes, danabarnes@bikegallery.com, BikeGallery.com
4235 SE Woodstock (Bike Gallery – Woodstock)
A fun, casual 20-30 mile group road ride
Ryan Manner, 503-774-3531, helmets required, www.bikegallery.com/
3029 SE 21st Ave (People’s Food Coop)
Move your biking lifestyle from credible to INCREDIBLE. Learn how you can use your bike to transport ANYTHING. Whether it’s a potted plant, a spare bicycle, a child, or even a piece of furniture. Certified ‘bike schlepper’ Aaron Tarfman will show you the ins and outs of carrying with your bike. Several trailers will be on hand to look at and a short discussion on building your own bike trailer will follow.
Aaron Tarfman, aaron@yourbodypower.org, BodyPower!
3951 N Mississippi ave (North Portland Bikeworks)
10:30am, goes til 2pm
Come to North Portland Bikeworks with your own bike, or just a quest to learn basic bike repair. Trained mechanics will assist you in getting your bike running great for all the pedalpalooza events and more! Open to women and trans-identified people, this is a benefit for the weekly wednesday night workshop. The cost is $15-30 sliding scale, and there will be snacks, coffee, and tea.
Women and Trans Bike Night, 503-287-1098, womenandtransbikenight@gmail.com, north portland bikeworks
3031 SE Hawthorne Blvd (HI-Portland, Hawthorne Hostel)
10:30am, brunch lasts about 3 hours and happens EVERY SUNDAY!
Hey! You need something to keep you going for all this bikey fun! Why not enjoy a potluck-style brunch by the folks who invented “Sunday Brunch”! (not fact-checked). Bike by and bring food to share (veggie/vegan preferred). Plenty of bicycle parking. Sure, it may be “early”, but chances are you’ll still be up from the night before! And who is this Gracies?
gracies?, 503-236-3380, urbanadventureleague@scribble.com, http://www.gracies.org, Gracies
2375 NW Thurman St (in front of Food Front Cooperative Grocery)
What if…Portland built all the freeways it planned? This ride will follow the routes of several highways that never made it off the drawing board, such as the fabled Mt. Hood Freeway, some that did but were later removed, like Harbor Drive, and also as a reference some freeways that currently exist. Dressing up and/or decorating bikes is highly encouraged, let’s celebrate!
Shawn Granton, urbanadventureleague@scribble.com, P.O. Box 14185, Portland OR 97293-0185, Urban Adventure League
1515 SE 46th & Hawthorne Blvd. (The Recyclery)
1pm, show opens at 1pm
Sunday June 11th ~ The Recyclery Presents our Pedal-Paloosa Kick off! Starts at 1pm till? 46th & SE Hawthorne Blvd. Bicycle consigners welcome $5 per bike (we sell for you!) For Vendor & Band participation Please Email: therecyclery @yahoo.com or Call: 503-734-8831 ~~Our Summer series of bicycle shows/ swap meets will be every 1st Sunday until September!! See you here!
www.TheRecyclery.com, 503-734-8831, therecyclery@yahoo.com, www.TheRecyclery.com
Madison Plaza (Madison Street & Eastbank Esplanade)
The Community Exchange Cycle Club offers rides once a week for beginner and intermediate bike riders. Free Pre-Ride Tune-up at 1:00pm. There will be an Easy Loop as well as an Intermediate Ride. Easy loop length -approximately 15 miles departs at 3pm Intermediate ride length -approximately 25 miles departs 2pm Rides depart from Madison Plaza-just north of the Hawthorne Bridge on the Eastbank Esplanade. All rides will be led by certified mechanics; no rider left behind. This ride is sponsored by the Community Exchange Cycle Touring Club, a global non-profit organization with the goal of connecting diverse world communities through reciprocated exchange bicycle tours.
Steven Kung, Aaron@yourbodypower.org, groups.yahoo.com/group/ExchangeCycleTours
5 SE Madison St (Eastbank Esplanade underneath Hawthorne Bridge (by the firehouse))
5pm, back in time for zb, if need be…
Tired of the bars? You Queer? Bike here! We’ll be riding all ’round town, possibly pointing out some Queer-friendly ‘hoods, hangouts and bike spots. Queers and Queer allies alike should come on down and boogy with us! Expect music, sassy ridin’ and lurrrve! [Or at least solidarity!] A causeit.org event!
mamá joey, bikeforlife@causeit.org, causeit.org
949 SW Oak St., Portland (Rocco’s Pizza)
8pm, every Sunday
Gravity-powered bike fun: meet at Rocco’s Pizza, 10th & W. Burnside between 8-9PM. Watch the Simpsons then ride the MAX to the zoo with your bike and zoobomb down…. costumes and little bikes optional. Bring $1.65 or fare for the MAX, a white front light, and a red rear light or reflector.
Zoobombin’, www.zoobomb.net
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