Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Update: Sneak peak at potential Sellwood Bridge design

[Graphic from cover of winning proposal to renovate the Sellwood Bridge.] An employee for the civil engineering firm that won the bid to renovate the Sellwood Bridge* is working on the Sellwood Bridge project has forwarded me a graphic from the cover of their winning proposal that shows a generous 14 foot wide path for … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Cyclist wins fixed-gear case

This morning Portland cyclist John Boyd successfully defended himself in a Multnomah County traffic court trial for a ticket he received for riding a fixed-gear bicycle without a hand brake. Boyd, a 40 year-old architect and resident of Northeast Portland, was given the ticket by Officer Barnum of the Portland Police Bureau’s Traffic Division. Barnum … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Tragedy turns into action in Beaverton

[The media helped us spread the word.] Concerned citizens from Portland and Beaverton came together last Friday for a traffic safety awareness action. The event took place just a few yards from the intersection where Mike Wilberding was killed on August 1st. Mike’s death sparked heated emotions from many people in the community who were … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Catch the Clownhouse and carfree activism at Last Thursday

Tonight is the big Last Thursday celebration on Alberta Street in Northeast Portland. If you head out there, here are two special happenings you don’t want to miss. First, those kooky clowns at the famous Clownhouse on NE 25th and Alberta Streets are holding their first ever talent show. Dubbed “Shmanarchist Idol,” beginning at around … Read more

Bike Commute Challenge kicks off tomorrow

[Freightliner employees kick off the Bike Commute Challenge.] The Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) kicks off their annual Bike Commute Challenge tomorrow and organizers say an estimated 700 companies (view list) from Oregon and Washington will participate. The event promotes bike commuting by encouraging companies to compete against each other to see who can get more … Read more

Mountain bikers finish new Forest Park trail

[Update: According to a rep from Friends of Forest Park—who were instrumental in making this trail happen—some minor work remains to complete this trail.] Last Saturday was the second of two trail work parties to complete a new mountain bike trail in Forest Park. The trail, which extends off an existing firelane, is the first … Read more