Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Updated: BikeCraft was a smashing success!

[*Update: As promised, here are more photos of BikeCraft, taken by Ethan Jewett of Stickeen Photography. (thanks Ethan!)] [City Hall was packed!] Portland’s bike scene had a memorable one-night stand in the atrium of City Hall last night. Twenty vendors shared their wonderful bike-themed wares with hundreds of gift-seekers at the second annual BikeCraft. Filmmaker … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bike films on DVD, media critiques and other BikeCraft updates

[Inner-tube jewelry by Jane (from $5-9). Everything’s coming together for BikeCraft tonight at City Hall…and vendors are still being adding to the list! Ayleen Crotty will join us with her Filmed by Bike compilation DVD on sale for $10. She’ll join two other Portland bike filmmakers — Dan Kaufman and Reverend Phil — to satiate … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Zoobombers reveal new rack designs

[Photo by Felix] Last week, a group of Zoobombers met with with Portland’s art rack coordinator and Transportation Options manager Linda Ginenthal in a conference room at PDOT headquarters. The meeting was called to garner feedback from Ginenthal on potential designs (see below) and locations for a new Zoobomb bike rack. Next week, Ginenthal will … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Club publishes detailed online repair guides

The Southeast Portland-based Community Exchange Cycle Touring Club has been very busy since they got started back in February. One of their programs is a mechanic certification class and they’ve recently published part of their Mechanic Apprenticeship Curriculum online. Check out these amazing, step-by-step, thoroughly photographed and annotated instructions for several basic bike maintenance procedures: