Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

A Clever cargo bike gallery

[A truck full of Dutch cargobikes bound for Portland!] Todd “Cleverchimp” Fahrner and Dean “Bakfiets” Mullin have just returned from a top secret European foray where they did some business networking and researched the inside dope on city and cargo bikes. They’re gaining steam for their Clever Cycles business and they’re anxiously awaiting their first … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Is it time to try physically separated bike lanes?

[Regular bike lanesdon’t always cut it.] As bicycle advocacy and ridership in America matures, new solutions and ideas for integrating bicycles onto our roadways must be seriously considered. For decades, we have been happy with conventional bike lanes, but as we get serious about reaching double-digit mode-splits, perhaps it’s time to go beyond a stripe … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Greenway group completes first vision of new riverfront trail

[npGreenway’s trail vision. Download the PDF(329KB).] npGreenway is a group of advocates working to build a trail that connects Cathedral Park in St. Johns to the terminus of the Eastbank Esplanade at the Steel Bridge. I was at their very first meeting back in November of 2005 and I have been watching their progress ever … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bicycle projects get majority of comments for Metro money

[Proposed route of Sullivan’s Gulch Trail. The project led the way with positive public support in Metro’s MTIP planning process.] Just noticed that Metro has released the results of the 45-day public comment period on projects hoping to get funding through a big pot of dollars known as MTIP. The BTA’s Policy Director Scott Bricker … Read more