Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Would you sign up for a Flexbike?

[The Aerorider]Photo: Ready to Ride Flexcars are everywhere in Portland. So are bikes. So why not have Flexbikes? I’m not talking about a snazzy, European style bike-rental program (like the one being discussed by Commissioner Sam’s office), I’m talking about pedal-powered vehicles that you’d rent when your regular, everyday bike just won’t cut it. Portland … Read more

Castelli hits their stride in Portland

[Greg Cowan, president of Castelli USA in their warehouse in downtownPortland.] The Castelli name may not be as well-known as legendary bike racing heroes like Fausto Coppi or Gino Bartali, but their histories are forever intertwined. Back in the 1940s, Armando Castelli stitched clothing for both men. When Coppi demanded something different — something that … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Updated: Bike industry makes the front page

[11/26: Update – Here’s the story] ———— The front page of this Sunday’s Oregonian will feature a story about Portland’s bicycle industry. The cover story and photo essay will report on how Portland has become a hotbed of activity for bike-related businesses; from frame builders and clothing designers, to major manufacturers like Chris King and … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Eurobike announcement surprised POVA too

Although they met at Interbike and were in the midst of ongoing discussions, the Portland Oregon Visitor’s Association (POVA) did not expect Messe Friedrichshafen’s big announcement to bring a major bicycle trade show to Portland in September of 2007. In a conversation today with POVA’s VP of Sales, Michael Smith, I learned that the two … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Update: Serious doubts about Eurobike Portland

[Doubtful] With each passing day, the likelihood of Messe Friedrichshafen (the company behind Eurobike) following through with their announcement to bring a major bicycle trade show to Portland grows slimmer. With only ten months left until their alleged show, they still have not confirmed dates, approached exhibitors, or even given it a name. Even as … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Exclusive Shimano Coasting photos and details

“Not a lifestyle, not for fitness: it’s an experience. People like the idea of riding a bike just as they like the idea of going to the park, farmer’s market, lake, picnic, outdoor music/arts, festivals or chatting with neighbors. Unfortunately most people don’t do it as often as they would like.”-from Shimano Coasting marketing materials … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sweetpea Bicycles open up shop

[Austin and NatalieRamsland of SweetpeaBicycles] Austin and Natalie Ramsland — the husband-wife duo behind Sweetpea Bicycles — will open up their framebuilding studio on Saturday night. They’ll have frames on display (in various states of completion) and Natalie (she builds the bikes) will be happy to answer questions about her craft. It’s also a great … Read more