What really happened with that bike theft confrontation in South Waterfront?
Stories like this are often inherently messy. Let me try to clean it up.
Getting a bike stolen is heartbreaking. That’s why we love sharing recovery stories. If you’ve been a bike theft victim and you’re feeling helpless, read a few of the stories below and we guarantee you’ll feel better.
Stories like this are often inherently messy. Let me try to clean it up.
There’s nothing more powerful than an informed and engaged community.
An epic saga that illustrates many aspects of our current bike theft crisis.
The most powerful force for recovering stolen bikes isn’t technology or the police. It’s people.
Takes guts to tackle a bike thief.
Reunited and it feels so good. Great news Portland: Megan Holcomb, the woman who was visiting our fair city and got her beloved touring bike stolen a few nights ago, has found her bike and the two have been united.
It takes a village to recover a stolen bike.
To offer hope to those who have had bike stolen recently, we present this stolen bike story with a happy ending.
Here’s how Portland Parks & Recreation Rangers helped get Seth Burke’s stolen Surly back.
Beatrice, the battered blue bike stolen from outside the Portland Building last week, is back in the hands of her owner, Portland Bureau of Transportation Director Leah Treat.
Because we can never get enough of hearing about how people get their stolen bikes back, we present you two more stories of stolen bike recovery success. But before getting into some good news, we have some not-so-good news about our Stolen Bike Listings. Due to a software issue that’s causing duplicate postings, I’ve decided … Read more
Whoever got this silver Specialized stolen yesterday, we have some good news. This just in from reader Chris K.: I was riding a block from the office yesterday when I saw the bike and recognized it as my coworkers. Followed to dude to a stop light and told him it was my friends and that … Read more