Park(ing) Day is your chance to repurpose street space
The annual event demonstrates more creative uses of public right-of-way.
The annual event demonstrates more creative uses of public right-of-way.
Catie Gould is volunteer activist with Bike Loud PDX and a member of the City of Portland Bicycle Advisory Committee.
What do we want? Better use of curb space! When do we want it? Now!
What else can we do besides park people’s large steel vehicles?
The indie planners who two months ago reimagined a block of downtown Portland parking spaces as a public lounge have made plans for a sequel.
PARK(ing) Day in Portland was a huge success. Now, local urbanist Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman wants to keep the momentum going.
A display on SW Stark drew large crowds to enjoy public space that’s usually dominated by private automobiles.(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland) Portland took part in PARK(ing) Day today. The global event, which started in San Francisco in 2005, seeks to create temporary public spaces in what are usually used as auto parking spots. This year … Read more
Comment of the Week: Winning over a palm tree skeptic