Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Transportation bill imminent: Here’s where things stand

It doesn’t look good.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) Members of the House and Senate have been working since April to hammer out an agreement on the transportation bill. When I checked in on the bill’s progress last month, advocates were fighting to lobby members of the conference committee (put together to hash out differences between the … Read more

The national security argument for Safe Routes to School

More cycling = more soldiers.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland In case you haven’t heard, there’s a battle royale going on in the U.S. Congress over the transportation bill right now. Members of the House and Senate are in negotiations to come up with some sort of agreement about how to actually pass a bill, instead of … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Advocates gird for battle to save biking in federal transpo bill

Cover of the bill (because transportation is all about big pipes and ugly freeway overpasses right?!). Once again, national advocacy groups are prepping the cannons for an all out assault on Congress as word spreads that the U.S. House of Representatives is will unveil a new surface transportation bill — dubbed the American Energy and … Read more

League starts petition to stave off Senate sidepath stipulation

A sidepath in Beaverton. (Photo © J. Maus) Mandatory sidepath laws — which state that bikes must use a sidepath/bikeway when one is available — are the bane of bicycling advocates. They’re seen as a clear sign of disrespect and inequality on our roads. The fact that Oregon still has one was called out by … Read more

Advocates prep for battle after release of draft U.S. transportation bill

The BTA’s Rob Sadowsky is already working contacts in DC to improve the bill.(Photo © J. Maus) The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee released their long-awaited transportation reauthorization bill last week (known as MAP-21), sending alarms throughout national bike advocacy circles because it, according to Streetsblog DC “eviscerates successful and popular programs to … Read more

Advocates fight for key funding pot as debate heads to Capitol Hill

The Springwater Corridor Trail is one of many projects around the region funded by the federal Transportation Enhancements program.(Photo © J. Maus) National bike advocacy and transportation groups are pulling out all the stops to help preserve the Transportation Enhancement (TE) program, a vital source of funds that has existed for two decades and this … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Dems: Oregon would lose over $1 billion in House proposal

House Democrats have reacted sharply to the transportation reauthorization proposal released yesterday by the Republican-controlled House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee. Among the issues they (and many other critics) have with the bill is that it cuts back infrastructure spending by one-third from current levels. To help drive that point home, House Democrats have published a … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

After ‘outcry’, Mississippi case to be re-opened

“[District Attorney] Allgood said his phone hasn’t stopped ringing since the media reported his determination last week.”— from NEMS360.com story; ‘DA reopens biking case after outcry’ An update on that tragic case from Mississippi we shared last week: Here’s the latest from NEMS360.com (emphasis mine): District Attorney Forrest Allgood will reopen his investigation of the … Read more