Comment of the Week: A woman’s fear of riding on the I-205 path
Roberta is afraid to ride on this path.
Roberta is afraid to ride on this path.
Charges upgraded from misdemeanor.
“Reflect on why BikePortland is such a hotbed for aggressive rhetoric toward our unhoused neighbors.”
It happened just south of Division MAX station.
Some much-needed attention.
Wanton disregard for the law and public decency.
Perhaps more should be done to prevent this?
Guthrie lived a few blocks from the trail for one very creative month in 1941.
New and smooth.(Photos: Joe Hamilton) Thanks to a newly built undercrossing of SE Division, people on bikes have one less stop to make while riding on the I-205 path. ODOT put the finishing touches on their $750,000 I-205 Shared-Use Path Division Undercrossing Project earlier this month and they’re hosting a “celebratory gathering” this morning to … Read more
A Pedalpalooza ride explored the I-205 path last night.(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland) When it comes to our region’s multi-use paths (known by wonks as MUPs), it’s not a stretch to call the I-205 path the “Granddaddy” of them all. Built by the Oregon Department of Transportation with money from our heralded “Bicycle Bill” (that mandates … Read more
This should do the trick.(Photo: Bob Kofstad/Washington DOT) Last month, a woman driving a medium-sized sedan somehow managed to travel nearly two miles on the I-205 bike path before she panicked and a passerby on a bike called 911. And it turns out this was the second such incident in the past few months. That’s … Read more
Steven Basden calls police after talking with a woman who drove her car up onto the bike path in the middle of the I-205 bridge.(Photo: Paul Anderson) On Sunday around 10:30 a.m., Half Fast Velo teammates Steven Basden and Paul Anderson were pedaling along on the Glenn Jackson Bridge/I-205 bike path when they made a … Read more