Hayhurst Neighborhood backs off Alpenrose permit appeal
The Hearings Officer’s decision stands.
The Hearings Officer’s decision stands.
The Hayhurst Neighborhood Association has appealed the approval of the Raleigh Crest subdivivision.
The Nollan and Dolan Supreme Court decisions are an unseen force in Portland Land Use outcomes.
Environmental protection, upset neighbors, a deep-pocket developer and bike lanes! — Alpenrose has it all.
Alpenrose prompted an all hands on deck gathering.
A sidewalk fronting Alpenrose is not enough.
It’s a slow process, but the news this week is good for bicycling.
SW Shattuck Road might be getting a multi-use path.
Will developing Alpenrose make road safety better, or worse?
These early decisions determine whether sidewalks and bike lanes will be built at all.
300 new homes, how about some bike lanes and sidewalks too?