Chicago’s Mr. Bike hopes to learn from Portland

[“Mr. Bike” Dave Glowacz] Dave Glowacz is the Director of Education for the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation, one of the largest bike advocacy groups in the country. He’s also known as “Mr. Bike,” and author of the well-known book, Urban Bikers’ Tricks & Tips. Around two years ago, he read about the Community Cycling Center’s Create-a-Commuter … Read more

Accomplished advocate takes on new role

[Jessica Roberts,photographed lastweek.] Jessica Roberts started her bike advocacy career as a volunteer stuffing envelopes for the BTA. Her dedication and smarts quickly landed her a permanent position and she was most recently the BTA’s metro area advocate. Last week Jessica announced that she has accepted a new position with Alta Planning+Design, a local consulting … Read more

Transportation diplomat launches new blog

[Aaron and his couchat Bridge Pedal.] Self-described “transportation diplomat” Aaron Tarfman has launched a new blog. “Innovative Transport” will chronicle his bikey adventures and share his insights on urban planning and infrastructure. Tarfman is a professional architect who rode his bicycle across country from New York City to Portland in 2003 and has become a … Read more