Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sweetpea Bicycles open up shop

[Austin and NatalieRamsland of SweetpeaBicycles] Austin and Natalie Ramsland — the husband-wife duo behind Sweetpea Bicycles — will open up their framebuilding studio on Saturday night. They’ll have frames on display (in various states of completion) and Natalie (she builds the bikes) will be happy to answer questions about her craft. It’s also a great … Read more

Robert Ping named to National Safe Routes to School Task Force

[Robert Ping] Robert Ping, the BTA’s Safe Routes to School Program Director, has been named to the national Safe Routes to School Task Force. This task force is made up of representatives from various Federal agencies and leaders in health, transportation, and education and reports directly to the U.S. Department of Transportation. This select group … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Cyclocross memories and the story of Michael Sylvester

[Cyclocross pioneer andbike fit specialistMichael Sylvester] Michael Sylvester has a unique perspective on the Portland cyclocross scene. He was around at the beginning. Sylvester, along with a small handful of intrepid cyclocross pioneers established the first race series in Portland back in 1985. Yes, that’s over two decades before the Cross Crusade came onto the … Read more