Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Design Challenge race: More camaraderie than competition

Pausing at the Rapha-sponsored beer stop high atop Portland off ofDixie Mountain Road.(Photos by Mark Reber) Saturday’s Constructor’s Design Challenge (part of the Oregon Manifest) race may have been for points and it was certainly tough, but the riders seemed to focus more on camaraderie than competition. The day seemed to be an extension of … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The bikes have been raced, judged, and ogled. And the winners are…

[Welcome to our continuing coverage of the Oregon Manifest’s Constructor’s Design Challenge. See our previous coverage here.] Greg Heath built and raced this Donkelope bike, which won a design award.(Photos © Elly Blue) All day yesterday, the thirty offerings in the Oregon Manifest Constructors Challenge were judged. Today, they were put through their paces on … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Spirits high, riders weary, some down as Constructor’s Race challengers near end point

The Circle A Cycles bike was the only onewith dirt proudly on display last night.They’ll all be looking battleweary by now. (Photo © Elly Blue) Our correspondent Mark Reber just called from up on Skyline Drive where he’s been photographing the challengers in the Oregon Manifest Constructor’s Race at the race’s Beer Pickup Checkpoint. All … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

First look inside the Constructor’s Design Challenge

Editor’s note: Please welcome new BikePortland contributor Mark Reber. A reporter and photographer, Mark is working with us to cover the Oregon Manifest Constructor’s Design Challenge and Race this weekend. Mark was able to spend some time with the bikes and their proud, nervous builders this morning, and sent this dispatch — and some enticing … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Artcrank show finds warm welcome in Portland

29 bike-themed posters attracted quite a crowd last night.-Slideshow below-(Photos © J. Maus) The latest evidence of the intersection between bicycles and Portland’s First Thursday art scene (remember the handmade bike show back in August?) was on full display at the debut of the Artcrank Poster Show last night. 29 Portland artists were part of … Read more

A few peeks at Manifest Design Challenge entries

Sean Chaney of Vertigo Cycles posted this sneak peek of his Design Challenge entry. The Constructor’s Design Challenge (part of Oregon Manifest) is coming this Friday. The event is an unprecedented opportunity to have the brightest minds in bike building put their skills and experience into building the Ultimate Transportation Bike. Each entry will be … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sky Yaeger of Swobo Bikes: Industry will notice Manifest bikes

Sky Yaeger on a Swobo Otis.(Photo: Richard Masoner/Cyclelicious) We’re getting excited for the kickoff of the Oregon Manifest on Friday. One of the marquee events in the six-week bike culture blowout is the Constructor’s Design Challenge. We’ve already written a lot about it, but today we take a look at it from a different angle. … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Impressive list of ‘Constructors’ will push transportation bike boundaries

What sort of features will builders like Joseph Ahearne dream up?(Photo © J. Maus) If you haven’t taken time to peruse the schedule of the Oregon Manifest, you should. The six-week event — which last year mainly focused on a custom bike show — has blossomed into nothing short of an urban biking summit. This … Read more

Oregon Manifest aims to change the way we think about bikes

The Oregon Manifest is right around the corner! Organizers have unveiled the final program for this year’s six-week long celebration of the art, culture, and craft of bicycling. The multifaceted program promises to put a creative, utilitarian spin on all aspects of bicycling from framebuilding to racing — and aims to put them in front … Read more