Scooter company reps scolded by Oregon legislators over helmet law proposal
What was expected to be just another ho-hum hearing on one of thousands of bills working their way through Oregon’s 2019 legislative session, turned out to be anything but.
You can also read about the BTA’s legislative efforts on their website.
What was expected to be just another ho-hum hearing on one of thousands of bills working their way through Oregon’s 2019 legislative session, turned out to be anything but.
From scooter helmets to jurisdictional transfers.
Part of our ongoing coverage of the 2019 legislative session.
Following in footsteps of Utah.
Data will help anti-profiling advocates.
Do more for the children, advocates say.
Another step taken in the march toward safer streets.
To oppose and support something simultaneously can be quite tricky.
We welcome any improvement to the cell phone law.
A recap and update on our push for more safe routes funding for Oregon.
We don’t need your congestion solutions. Signed, Portland.
From racial profiling in traffic stops to a significant revision of our cell phone law.
Comment of the Week: The public health angle should matter more