Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Enforcement action planned for next Wednesday

The Portland Police are planning another traffic enforcement action next Wednesday (the 22nd) at the intersection of NE Knott and 7th from 7:30 to 10:30AM. They call this an “Intersection Safety Enforcement Action” and they’ll be looking for motorists, cyclists, or pedestrians who fail to come to a complete stop. Here’s what happened the last … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

City traffic safety group releases project list

[Download project list (PDF, 58K)] The Community and School Traffic Safety Partnership is a group with the City of Portland Office of Transportation that focuses on bicycle and pedestrian safety, reducing driver error, and Safe Routes to School. They’ve got $300,000 to spend on bike and ped projects over the next two years and they’ve … Read more