ODOT proposes bike ban
Citing “safety” concerns, the Oregon Deparment of Transportation (ODOT) has proposed a ban on bicycles that would make it illegal for cyclists to ride on or next to certain sections of Metro area freeways.
Citing “safety” concerns, the Oregon Deparment of Transportation (ODOT) has proposed a ban on bicycles that would make it illegal for cyclists to ride on or next to certain sections of Metro area freeways.
If you would like to be involved with the future of the Sellwood Bridge, Multnomah County is recruiting volunteers to serve on a Community Task Force. It would be great to have some bicyclists on this committee. Here’s more information about the task force followed by a PDF of the application you can download:
[Peaceful Island road] Sauvie Island is a cycling paradise that sits just a few miles North of downtown Portland. Back in my training days I discovered that including out-and-backs, there are close to 80 miles of flat, scenic roads to ride on. Perfect riding conditions, except for one thing…hostile treatment from motorists. Road rage, taunts, … Read more
There are several very important bike-related issues on the table at tomorrow’s public hearing and open house on the TriMet bus mall re-design project. This is a very important chance for cyclists to impact major design changes in the downtown transit mall and the head of TriMet will be there specifically to listen to what … Read more
An effort to establish the West Coast’s first bicycle and pedestrian research institute is gaining steam. The proposed Bicycle and Pedestrian Institute would be housed at Portland State University’s Center for Transportation Studies. According to the proposal, the goal of the institute would be to: “enhance policies, programs and projects that promote pedestrian and bicycle … Read more
[Accident waiting to happen. Photo Cindie Olson] In the coming months, you’ll be hearing a lot about the Sellwood Bridge. This bridge, which is slated for renovation or reconstruction is a major arterial that connects SE Portland to the downtown core, yet it is very dangerous and inadequate for non-motorized users. As you can see … Read more
No one knows our downtown streets better than bike messengers. So you think they’d have a loud voice in any plans to drastically alter that landscape. After all, they’re are a group of road users whose lives (and livelihood) depend on safe and accessible streets because they sometimes have just a few minutes to deliver … Read more
Chatter about the Sellwood Bridge is on the upswing. The old bridge, which is failing under its own weight, is set to either be significantly renovated or completely re-constructed. Regional bike planners, advocates, and advisory committee members are getting ready with plans, letters, photographic evidence, informal polls, whatever it takes to ensure that any new … Read more
Finally back in Portland. It feels great to be home. The last day of the Summit was another whirlwind. I attended a workshop about Davis, California, the only “Platinum” level Bicycle Friendly Community. Evan Manvel (Executive Director of the BTA) attended it with me and wrote a great recap on the BTA Blog. I also … Read more
Not sure where to begin…it was such a full day and now it’s nearly 2:00 AM and I’ve got to be at it again tomorrow morning at 9:00…but it was such a memorable day that I want to share a few things… Today was all about lobbying the OR members of Congress and the Senate. … Read more
Full day on Capitol Hill today. Great successes for us and for everyone. Many things to tell you about! More photos and updates coming soon…but I have to go and no time right now…the work must continue…even if it happens in a pub ;-).
[Blumenauer and his Trek] Finally back to my hotel room after the first full day at the Bike Summit. My head is sort of spinning from all the new things I’m hearing and seeing. There’s something surreal to me about looking down the street at the White House U.S. Capitol Building (it’s just a few … Read more
Comment of the Week: The public health angle should matter more