City says diverters possible on SE Clinton Street this summer
City spokesman Dylan Rivera said the experimental project “may involve some diverters, speed bumps and signage.”
City spokesman Dylan Rivera said the experimental project “may involve some diverters, speed bumps and signage.”
The two-way block of Rodney between Ivy and Fremont would be converted to a one-way street for cars.
One of the city’s first bike boulevards may be on its way to a quick upgrade.
“It’s important for us to take over these spaces… because the city isn’t willing to do it.”
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.(Photos by J. Maus/BikePortland) A traffic diverter is a barrier placed in an intersection to prevent auto traffic from going through it. The goal is to make certain streets less attractive to auto drivers and reduce auto traffic volumes overall. So, when it’s relatively easy to drive through … Read more
The lane redesign isn’t done yet, but the change is already impacting traffic.(Photo by J. Maus/BikePortland) Yesterday I got two separate reader emails about the same issue just a few hours apart. Whenever that happens it gets my attention. In this case, the issue is the increased amount of auto traffic diversion onto NE Rodney … Read more
The 50s Bikeway is looking great, and two of the most important components are in place.
Has one of Portland’s most beloved bikeways drowned in car traffic over the last six months?
The city’s counts for auto traffic on Michigan south of Rosa Parks have fallen by an average of 25 percent.
“I’ve received quite a few phone calls in the past week,” the project manager said.
What’s the deal with PBOT and diversion on neighborhood greenway projects? We were curious too so we asked.
A full median diverter would allow people on bikes to pass through, but would prohibit left turns by drivers from northbound on Michigan onto Rosa Parks and the I-5 freeway one block to the west.