Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sucky commute? Turn the rage into action at new website

Screen shot from MyCommuteSucks.org “Don’t you wish there were a place where you could just vent all your transportation troubles? Well, the wait is over. Let it all out and take action.” That’s the battle cry from MyCommuteSucks.org, a new site launched today by non-profit group Transportation For America. According to E-advocacy Coordinator Stephen Davis, … Read more

Bikes Belong hopes all-star team can bring biking mainstream

Bikes Belong Executive Director Tim Blumenthal spoke at the Oregon Bike Summit yesterday.(Photos © J. Maus) Bikes Belong Executive Director Tim Blumenthal shared a lot of inspiring news and information during his remarks at the end of the Oregon Bike Summit yesterday. Blumenthal is a key figure in the national bike movement. He’s at the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

From NYC: Behind the scenes of the Livable Streets Network

[Publisher’s note: This story was written by Managing Editor Elly Blue during her recently concluded East Coast Tour.] Sarah Goodyear, Livable StreetsNetwork editor and community manager(Photos: Elly Blue) While I was in New York briefly, I met up with Sarah Goodyear, editor and community manager of the recently launched Livable Streets Blog Network. Billed as … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Massachusetts passes landmark bike bill: How does Oregon compare?

“Dooring” someone on a bike now comes with a $100 fine in Massachusetts.(Photos © J. Maus) Massachusetts is working overtime to become a bike-friendly state. In Boston, they’ve gone from “Worst” to “Future Best” Bike City in Bicycling Magazine and former Olympian turned bike czar Nicole Freedman was recently named a “Bostonian of the Year” … Read more

TRB profile: Roads and bike paths on the reservations

[Publisher’s note: This article is a dispatch by Managing Editor Elly Blue, who recently attended the Transportation Research Board conference in Washington D.C. Read more articles from Elly’s East Coast Tour.] John La Verdure (Photo by Elly Blue) Taking a break in the lobby of the Marriott during the TRB conference, I noticed a man … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

A visit to Baltimore’s Velocipede Bike Project (Slideshow)

One of my favorite stops in Baltimore was at the Velocipede Bike Project. Occupying a bright storefront in the young and hip Charles Village neighborhood, Velocipede is a collectively run community bike shop. Since July of 2006, the all-volunteer shop has welcomed members of the community to come volunteer time (or, as a downplayed alternative, … Read more