Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

City drafts new ‘Project Evaluation Method’ for Forest Park

The City’s new evaluation tool could have wide-reaching impact on the future of bicycle accessin Forest Park.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) The City of Portland’s Parks & Recreation bureau recently unveiled a draft document that could act as their guide to the future of how Forest Park is used. The goal of the new Forest Park … Read more

Forest Park activists to City Council: “Wilderness” at risk and biker crackdown needed

Marcy Houle testified to City Council that Forest Park’s “wilderness values” are at risk. Just 16 days after Commissioner Amanda Fritz was put in charge of the Parks Bureau, people who are opposed to improving bicycle access in Forest Park have begun to pressure her to crack down on illegal riding and limit any policy … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Forest Park advocate Marcy Houle to speak at PDX Ecologists meeting

Marcy Houle, the author and activist who has been actively opposing trail access for people on bikes in Forest Park will speak to PDX Ecologists Unite this Thursday evening (4/18). The talk will focus on Forest Park’s history as well as “the challenges that lie ahead.” The issue of mountain bikes in Forest Park will … Read more

NW Examiner highlights “illegal cycling” in Forest Park

Cover of NW Examiner April issue. The NW Examiner, a free monthly newspaper with a circulation of 30,000 homes and businesses in various neighborhoods of northwest Portland, has made mountain biking in Forest Park it’s cover story for the second time in three months. In the April edition (PDF only), editor and publisher Allan Classen … Read more

Forest Park update: Wildlife report, new Parks Director chimes in, media goes crazy

Bikes vs. Nature! Run for your lives! Front page of February 2013 NW Examiner newspaper. The debate about bike access in Forest Park has heated up once again. Last time we checked in on the issue we reported on a positive statement from City Commissioner Nick Fish. Then in December, Portland Parks & Recreation completed … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Commissioner Fish: New Forest Park singletrack ‘in the next 9 months’ – Updated

Biking in Forest Park is finally set to improve.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) City Commissioner Nick Fish, who oversees Portland Parks & Recreation, has just emailed stakeholders a progress report on bicycle access in Forest Park. The statement includes a commitment to build a new, bike-specific singletrack trail in the park within the next nine months. … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

In defense of Platinum, Fish responds to League on Forest Park issue

“As Parks Commissioner, I take this challenge seriously—and I am pleased to report that we are making progress on city-wide solutions.”— Commissioner Nick Fish, a letter to Andy Clarke City of Portland Commissioner Nick Fish, who oversees the Parks Bureau, has responded (read in full below) to League of American Bicyclists President Andy Clarke about … Read more

Northwest Trail Alliance will hold demonstration ride in Forest Park

Traffic intermingles on Leif Erikson road in Forest Park.(File photo © J. Maus) After expressing their disappointment with last week’s decision by City Commissioner Nick Fish to not grant any new or improved singletrack trail access for bikes in Forest Park, the Northwest Trail Alliance has announced a “Share The Park” ride. The event will … Read more