At Beach School, over 100 students (and principal) join in the bike train

Still from a video shot of this morning’s bike train at Beach School.-Watch it below- Like a cycling tsunami washing over North Portland in several waves, students (and parents) from Beach School showed, once again, just how inspiring and effective the local bike train movement has become. And — on a week where we read … Read more

Walk and Bike to School Day roundup

The school band welcomed bikers and walkers to Atksinson Elementary in Southeast.(Photo: Rob Sadowsky) The streets were busy with kids and parents on bikes and on foot this morning as over 60 local schools took part in International Walk and Bike to School Day. From Sellwood to St. Johns, hundreds of people enjoyed a sunny, … Read more

At Beach School, biking and walking makes a stronger community

Beach principal Tom Breuckman.(Photos © J. Maus) The first thing you notice upon walking into the main entrance if Beach School in north Portland is a Safe Routes to School map with a listing of locations and times for catching a bike train. The placement of that map isn’t an accident. This is a school … Read more

Once prohibited, biking now a big part of Beach School

[This story was written by BikePortland contributor and Beach School parent, Chris Sullivan] The Bike Fairy greeted kids at Beach School on Friday.(Photos: Chris Sullivan) A few years ago, bikes were forbidden at Beach School in North Portland. Here’s a snip from the school’s 2002-03 family handbook: “Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller Skates, etc… Due to the … Read more