Democrats in state Senate join Republicans to kill neighborhood income diversity bill

Though the bill would have affected only condos and other owner-occupied homes, some rallied around it as a seemingly achievable way to preserve income diversity in bike-friendly areas like Southeast Division Street.(Photo: M.Andersen/BikePortland) A bill that would have let Oregon cities require some condominiums in some new housing projects to be sold for below-market prices … Read more

Oregon Senate votes (yet again) to let cabbies use hand-held phones while driving

Should they be allowed to use phones while driving?(Photo by J. Maus/BikePortland) For the second legislative session in a row, the Oregon Senate has voted in favor of a bill that would allow taxicab operators to use hand-held cell phones while driving. Oregon’s existing cell phone law (ORS 811.507) permits the use of hands-free mobile … Read more