Long distance lover off to Paris for classic randonnée

Michael Wolfe, a few days beforehis Parisian adventure.(Photo: Jonathan Maus) Local cyclist Michael Wolfe is on his way to Paris to compete in the 16th Paris-Brest-Paris Grande Randonée: a bike race with roots that go back to 1891. Held every four years, the PBP is considered the most prestigious and celebrated randonneuring event in the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

DOT Secretary says bike paths are not transportation infrastructure

[Updated 8/16, 12:55pm] U.S. Transportation Sec.Mary Peters on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer(Photo: PBS) In an interview on last night’s NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (on PBS), U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters said she doesn’t think “bike paths” are an appropriate use of our nation’s transportation infrastructure budget. In the wake of the bridge collapse … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Reverend Phil plans bike ride to Climate Convergence event

Reverend Phil Sano.(File photo) Local bike community personality, filmmaker, and self-described “bike culturist” Reverend Phil Sano plans to ride his bike to the West Coast Convergence for Climate Action which starts tomorrow in Skamokawa, Washington. The event is billed as, “6 days of low-impact living and high-impact action.” Reverend Phil plans to leave on his … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Pereira gets his due with national publicity

Pereira in Mountain Bike Magazine.Photo: Dave Roth Local bike builder Tony Pereira is having a dream year. Last winter he found a great new shop space near SE 24th and Belmont and in March he took home coveted trophies from the North American Handmade Bike Show for his gorgeous,”Roaring 29’er”, fillet-brazed, mountain bike. A relative … Read more