Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sky Yaeger of Swobo Bikes: Industry will notice Manifest bikes

Sky Yaeger on a Swobo Otis.(Photo: Richard Masoner/Cyclelicious) We’re getting excited for the kickoff of the Oregon Manifest on Friday. One of the marquee events in the six-week bike culture blowout is the Constructor’s Design Challenge. We’ve already written a lot about it, but today we take a look at it from a different angle. … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Product Review: Showers Pass “Portland” rain jacket

Showers Pass CEO Ed Dalton sportingthe Portland jacket at this year’sWorst Day Ride(Photo © Elly Blue) Showers Pass, a local cycling gear company, has been making waves with its “Portland” rain jacket since it was introduced in 2008. The jacket is notable for crossing technical outerwear with vélocouture flair resulting in a handsome daily commuter … Read more