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Marion Rice

Marion Rice has been producing educational media since 1993. She has been the Executive Producer of a number of web sites for including The PBS Parents Guide To Talking With Kids About War and Violence, History Detectives and The New Heroes. Most recently she was the Co-Executive Producer of a web site for parents to help them support their children’s emergent literacy from birth to age 5. Marion Rice started writing the Family Biking column for BikePortland in 2008. She is interested in developing stories that are relevant to families on all parts of the car free/ car light continuum. In addition to writing, Marion helps the BikePortland team with her experience in fund-raising and corporate development. If you have a story idea or would just like to get in touch, you can reach her at (503) 708-0707 or at marion[at]

BikePortland Articles by Marion Rice

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Need a transportation bike for your kid? Good options are out there

Most kids’ bikes available in the US, like these spotted at Tour de Ladd this fall, aren’t fitted out for city riding. (Photo © J. Maus) After an exhaustive search for a good city bike for my son, I have concluded that kids bikes in general are in a sorry state. Either they are poorly … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

How to navigate through your child’s first bike purchase

Marion Rice and daughter Gleneden [Publisher’s note: This article is by our Family Biking columnist Marion Rice. Marion’s last two columns have been about biking while pregnant. Today she talks about negotiating a first bike purchase with your child.] Starting at about 10 years old, I can remember going everywhere on my bike with my … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Biking with a bump (at 32 weeks)

[Editor’s note: The story below, written our Family Biking columnist Marion Rice, is a follow-up to a story we published on February 2nd. That story introduced you to Portlander Angela Koch and posed the question: Should you ride while pregnant?] Angela Koch, 32 weeks pregnant, pedals happily along SE Ash Street.(Photos © Dan Liu) Angela … Read more

Biking with the flow: The challenges for women during that time of the month

Marion Rice and daughter Gleneden [This article was written by our Carfree Families columnist Marion Rice. For previous articles in this series, and for links to other articles and photos on family biking, check out the Carfree Families Page.] Some of you may wonder what this post has to do with family cycling, but I … Read more