Portland Police get criticism for handling of bike light case

Oregonian columnist Steve Duin. Oregonian columnist Steve Duin has published pointed criticisms directed at the Portland Police Bureau’s handling of the Freedom Child bike light case in his column today. Freedom Child is the 57-year old St. Johns woman who was involved with an altercation with two Police officers back in 2003. Child claims she … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Seeking a national legal standard to ensure traffic justice

Rep. Jim Oberstar, speakingat the opening night dinner.(Photo © J. Maus) Representative Jim Oberstar (D-MN) — the man whose passion for Safe Routes to Schools helped establish it as a national priority in America — is now throwing his energy behind a new idea. And, as Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee that … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Lawyer in Ainsworth Incident pressures leaders to seek dismissal of citations

“This will adequately address the inequity of this situation and show the community that bicyclists will not be punished for riding legally on the streets of Portland.” — Lawyer Christopher Heaps The lawyer for two men who were ticketed for riding their bikes on NE Ainsworth last month is imploring city leaders and the police … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Portland Police PIO responds to coverage of Ainsworth incident

Sergeant Brian Schmautz, the Public Information Officer for the Portland Police Bureau has left a detailed comment in response to our story on the Ainsworth incident. On Saturday, several members of the PSU Cycling Club were riding on Ainsworth when they were allegedly passed dangerously by a Portland Police Officer. According to witnesses that saw … Read more