Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

CRC rally planned for April; Commissioner Fritz will attend

Joe Kurmaskie, seen here at the “We are All Traffic” rally held in November 2007 after two bike fatalities.(Photo © J. Maus) Mayor Sam Adams’ support of a proposal that would authorize the construction of a new I-5 bridge that could “be built to accomodate up to 12 lanes” has sparked a new level of … Read more

The BTA on the CRC: “12 lanes is just a number”

“… it’s less about the number of lanes, per se, and more about the impact on the community.”— Scott Bricker, executive director of the BTA This week’s decision by City Council to authorize Mayor Adams to vote in favor of a 12-lane Columbia River Crossing bridge has sparked outrage among many Portlanders. Several comments here … Read more

Adams gets council support for his 12-lane CRC compromise

Commissioner Fritz voiced many concerns before voting “no” on the proposal last night.(Image: City of Portland) At their meeting last night, Portland’s City Council gave Mayor Sam Adams authorization to vote in favor of a 12-lane Columbia River Crossing (CRC) bridge. But, according to Adams’ office, the vote does not mean the Mayor (and council) … Read more

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Now it’s Metro’s turn to hear CRC lane debate

Metro Council President David Bragdon.(Photo © J. Maus) Thursday at Metro, councilors are sure to get an earful when they host a public hearing on the contentious Columbia River Crossing project. The topic will be Resolution No. 09-4023, which Metro describes as: “For the Purpose of Expressing a Sense of The Council on the Number … Read more

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It’s not about bikes: BTA testimony on the CRC (updated)

Michelle Poyourow of the BTA.(Photos © J. Maus) Advocate Michelle Poyourow of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) was one of over 70 people that testified in front of City Council at last week’s public hearing on the Columbia River Crossing project (CRC). After the hearing, several people mentioned her testimony to me and I also … Read more

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Guest Editorial: Speaking up on the CRC

[Editor’s note: This guest editorial was written by first-time BikePortland contributor Spencer Boomhower. Spencer testified in front of City Council during a hearing on the Columbia River Crossing held last Thursday.] Spencer Boomhower I’m sitting at a table with a microphone sticking in my face, and a little digital counter telling me how much time … Read more

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Blumenauer brings up the CRC at City Club event

Transportation activist, streetcar advocate, former City Commissioner candidate and blogger Chris Smith was at an event last night where U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer had some choice words about the Columbia River Crossing project. Here’s an excerpt from Smith’s report: Blumenauer said the the Columbia River Crossing was a metaphor for the lack of consensus for … Read more

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Sizing up the CRC and City Council

“We need a replacement. But it must be the right kind of new bridge… Approval today will only move the bridge project proposal from one phase of evaluation to the next.” –Commissioner Sam Adams in today’s Oregonian Today is an important day for supporters and critics of the Columbia River Crossing project. Portland City Council, … Read more

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Guest Article: A view on the CRC from Northeast Portland

[This article was written by Tony Fuentes. Fuentes is vice-chair of the Concordia Neighborhood Association, an avid outdoorsman, a father of two, and a small business owner. He is frequently called upon by city leaders and was a member of Commissioner Sam Adams’ Safe, Sound and Green Stakeholder Committee. Fuentes has a Masters degree in … Read more