PBOT cancels I-205 undercrossing project near Gateway Green
It was more complex than expected and deemed not worth the risk.
It was more complex than expected and deemed not worth the risk.
We have a plan, we just need to build them and make the network good enough for people to actually use them.
At long last, we have bike lanes on the northernmost stretch of Willamette Blvd all the way to St. Johns.
Congratulations! Your bikeway is ready for prime time.
We’re onto 60% plans in the second part of this three-part series.
First in a three-part series by bikeway design workshop graduate Aaron Kuehn.
“The connection is alive!”
It’s awesome, but BikePortland has heard quite a bit of grumbling from folks trying to bike through.
An agreement between ODOT and PBOT last year will result in new bike lanes where Martin Greenough was hit and killed in 2015.
An exciting step forward and a peek into what the future of this important street holds.
Bike lanes not possible, “due to substantial trade-offs including significantly increased transit delay.”
Too expensive, too risky, say city and county leaders.
Comment of the Week: The public health angle should matter more