Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Article reveals Bike Gallery's Coasting plans

[Photo by Kris Schamp/Bike Gallery.] Astute reader Allan Folz noticed an in-depth article on Shimano’s new Coasting component group in the current issue of Hemispheres Magazine (the in-flight publication of United Airlines). Back in May, Portland was chosen of 15 “bike-friendly” cities to be part of a special pre-launch marketing campaign for Coasting. Since that … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Juggling store is "serious" about unicycles

[This Torker Unistar will set you back $85-105.] Reader Ben S. wrote me yesterday to tell me about Serious Juggling. Besides all manner of juggling paraphernalia, the Northeast Portland store (and online shop) has a big selection of unicycles. Ben says they’ve sold unicycles for 10 years now and that they can special order anything … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bakery offers bike-thru window

[Bike up and get your fix.] Black Sheep Bakery, maker of surprisingly yummy vegan treats at 833 SE Main Street, has installed Portland’s first bike-thru window. And the best thing about it? No cars allowed. Owner Amanda Felt has outfitted her new retail space (she’s been selling wholesale for years) to offer special service to … Read more