MBW IV: Final events held in Washington Park

[Reporting and photos by Mykle Hansen] ===== The City of Portland narrowly escaped a year of foreign dominance last night, when the Key to Portland was recaptured by Zoobomber Corey “Solid” Gold in a thilling tiebreaker at LegoHouse International Raceways in Washington Park. [LegoHouse in Washington Park, where the final events of Mini-Bike Winter took … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Let the Mini-Bike Winter games begin…

[Skate Bomb!] [This coverage of Mini-Bike Winter IV comes from our special correspondent Mykle Hansen] Let the games begin! Mini-Bike Winter got off to an explosive start last night when a parade of nearly 150 brightly lit bikers — including several dozen visitors from Canada, Seattle and California, and quite a few first-time bombers — … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Twas the night before Mini-Bike Winter…

[Mini-Bike Winter specialcorrespondent Mykle Hansen.] …and all through the town, mini-bikes are rolling, and no one has a frown. Excuse my bad poetry, but it’s the eve of Mini-Bike Winter and I’d like to introduce esteemed Zoobomber and BikePortland’s special correspondent, Mykle Hansen. Mykle will give us an insider’s look at this year’s event, which … Read more

Celebrate bike love on St. Velo-tine's Day

[Elicia Cardenas shows the love. 4/29/06] Portland’s bike-loving Breakfast on the Bridges crew has birthed a new holiday that is sure to become an annual tradition; St. Velo-tine’s Day. Tomorrow morning (2/13) from 7-9am on the Hawthorne and Broadway Bridges, they’ll be holding the special event where they encourage you to, “Celebrate the day of … Read more

Don’t miss the Wintertime Palm Tree Ride

This Sunday is your chance to take in one of the finer pleasures of Portland’s bike culture. Artist, historian, and urban lore afficionado Shawn Granton will lead the Wintertime Palm Tree Ride. Shawn and his Urban Adventure League are well-known in bike circles for leading interesting and informative rides that give participants insight behind seemingly … Read more