PBOT’s map of potential 2012 neighborhood greenway projects

PBOT map of potential 2012 projects.
Download PDF (6MB) –

Earlier this week, I shared news about a list of routes that PBOT is currently considering in their next batch of neighborhood greenways (they refer to it as “Phase 3”). At that time, there wasn’t an accurate and official map to share, so followed up with PBOT’s Greg Raisman. He was kind enough to put together a map that shows the location and routes of the seven projects currently in the queue to receive the neighborhood greenway treatment.

In addition, the map also shows five “commercial street projects” that PBOT is likely to get started on next year. Those include bikeway improvements on N. Willamette Blvd, SW Multnomah, N Williams, NE Glisan and NE Holladay.

You can download a detailed, PDF version of the map here (6 MB). Keep track of PBOT’s neighborhood greenway projects on their website and stay tuned to BikePortland for more coverage.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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13 years ago

Still lacking a major north south thoroughfare between Williams and 28th…

13 years ago
Reply to  alan

actually, 28th from SE Stark to NE Broadway should be on there, too.

13 years ago
Reply to  BURR

be careful what you ask for. lane striping through here would be worse than simply not having sharrows

random rider
random rider
13 years ago

This is very exciting to see and I am glad that the City is expanding on this concept. I don’t mean to be looking a gift horse in the mouth, but one improvement that I would like to see is a better crossing over I-5 at Alberta. Less experienced riders on the Going bike boulevard reach an abrupt and difficult loss of comfortable options once they reach Vancouver.

This is a major route for one of the bike trains to Beach School and I know that that little stretch crossing the interstate is the reason why many folks won’t ride in with their children.

Speaking of which, does anyone know if Alberta is one or two lanes on the overpass? There is no striping but it is quite wide and most mornings when traffic starts backing up some people will start a second lane to proceed straight west instead of waiting in line behind the vehicles turning left to get onto I-5 south.

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith
13 years ago
Reply to  random rider

rr, this project will, among other things, connect the Going Blvd. with Interstate Ave., via the Skidmore Bridge:

Alberta is one lane on the overpass. That might be a good one to call/email in to: 503.823.SAFE / safe@portlandoregon.gov

Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson
13 years ago

Oooh! Thank you! I’ll get this up on OpenCycleMap as soon as time allows.

13 years ago

The Houghton/Terry one in NoPo would be awesome. Getting from Kenton to St. Johns would be a lot more pleasant.

Hart Noecker
13 years ago

So my understanding is that to be a ‘greenway’ there’s gotta be lots of trees. Some of those routes are plenty bike friendly, but lack tree cover. Are there plans for adding flora along these routes?

13 years ago
Reply to  Hart Noecker

specific planning has probably not been done for these particular streets, as the process seems to be just getting started, but actually, yes, this kind of thing is included in the 2030 plan
and it is a featured part of the klickitat greenway project, for example

John Russell (jr98664)
13 years ago

Any idea what the plan is for that stretch of Willamette Boulevard? As a student at the University of Portland, I ride that stretch regularly and have a number of ideas on how to improve it.

Tim w
Tim w
13 years ago

I was unaware of the SE 20th Greenway the maps says is currently funded or under construction… does anyone know anything about this? Also, it seems from the website seems to be doing away with the “neighborhood greenway” mantra. It says “Bicycle Boulevards- The New Neighborhood Greenways.” Didn’t it used to say it the other way around?