Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Reality check: Bike plan includes no financial commitment

“The plan calls for spending approximately $600 million to…” — From a story published today by the Portland Tribune The myth that the City of Portland’s Bicycle Plan for 2030 comes with a $600 million price tag continues to spread among various media outlets, despite the fact that the plan commits the city to no … Read more

The 2030 Bike Plan at City Council — Live updates

[Refresh this story for latest updates. Don’t miss my slideshow and recap of the rally prior to the hearing.] Both levels of council chambers are packed.(Photo © J. Maus) Things are underway here in Council Chambers at the 2030 Bike Plan hearing. Mayor Adams kicked things off with an intro (this update of our 1996 … Read more

Build It Rally at City Hall – Slideshow and recap

Build It!– Slideshow below – (Photos © J. Maus) The “Build It” rally outside City Hall in support of the 2030 Bike Plan just finished up and now folks are settling in for the big hearing. The rally was an informal affair with many supporters (150-200?) holding signs. They all sang Devo’s “Whip It,” substituting … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bike Plan: The Portland Business Alliance weighs in

The Portland Business Alliance released their letter on the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 today. The six-page letter signed by CEO Sandra McDonough on behalf of 1,400 businesses expresses support “of the overall goal” of the plan but also calls out some concerns and offers several suggestions. The PBA (download PDF here) calls the plan’s … Read more

127 businesses sign letter in support of 2030 bike plan

Bikes and business in peaceful coexistence.(Photo © J. Maus) Today, the Bicycle Business League and the Bicycle Transportation Alliance delivered a letter to Portland Mayor Sam Adams in support of the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 signed by 127 local businesses. The list includes many usual suspects (bike companies and bike teams), but also some … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Brussels, benchmarks, and Portland’s 2030 Bicycle Plan

Who knew the Charter of Brussels would figure so prominently in Portland’s Bicycle Plan?(Photo: Greg Raisman) Benchmarks are important in order to know whether or not a plan is successful, especially when a plan — like the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 — has a 20-year horizon. That plan has a highly-publicized goal of 25% … Read more

2030 Bike Plan: Final version released; activists chart course

(Photo © J. Maus) Yesterday the Bureau of Transportation released the final version of the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030. This version reflects many changes — some large, some small — to the public comment draft released back in October. Meanwhile, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and a new activism group, TransConPDX are gearing up for … Read more

Bicycle Plan readies for Council as advocates (and others) zero in

The Steering Committee hopes the plan stays on course.(Photo © J. Maus) It’s been about a month since we last checked in with the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030. The plan is slated to be adopted by City Council on February 4th (at 2:00 pm) — a change just made yesterday (to accomodate Mayor Sam … Read more

Bike business group, BTA, look to drum up corporate support for Bicycle Plan

Biking and walking are good for business.(Photo © J. Maus) The fledgling Bicycle Business League (BBL) and the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) have joined forces to garner support from local businesses for the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030. The BBL has drafted a letter of support for the plan and the group hopes to get … Read more