The 2030 Bike Plan at City Council — Live updates

[Refresh this story for latest updates. Don’t miss my slideshow and recap of the rally prior to the hearing.]

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Both levels of council
chambers are packed.
(Photo © J. Maus)

Things are underway here in Council Chambers at the 2030 Bike Plan hearing.

Mayor Adams kicked things off with an intro (this update of our 1996 plan began when he was Transportation Commissioner, he now continues to oversee PBOT as Mayor):

I always consider our transportation system to be in service to larger city goals… Bikes aren’t the total answer, but they’re a very important piece of acheiving those goals.

… We build what we can afford now, we’ve prioritized our efforts, and with something [projects] to pitch, we can gather more support and resources for the much more difficult and expensive projects to come.

I believe we can’t afford not to do this. As manager of our multi-billion dollar system, it’s my job to offer to Council an efficient use of what we already have. The best way we can do that is to shift trips away from single-occupancy vehicles — not all trips, but more trips, to bicycles. Dollar for dollar, it makes economic sense. For less than 2% of our budget since 1996, we’ve seen ridership grow, that’s a good return on investment.

Yes, it’s expensive, but its benefits extend far beyond just bicycles….

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Roger Geller, Sue Keil, and Ellen Vanderslice.

Adams then spoke about several specific projects and explained how they benefit the entire city. Then, he concluded:

“This is not a plan that will sit on the shelf and gather dust. The plan establishes a task force that will look under every rock [for funding sources] and report back [to City Council]… Portland will be a cleaner and healthier city, because more of our money will stay local and we’ll spend less on cars and it will allow affordable and safe transportation options for all Portlanders.”

Portland Planning Commission head Howard Shapiro:

“This is not just a bicycle plan, this is a transportation plan. This will change everything and the commission enthusiastically endorses the work of the bureau of transportation.”

Alta Planning CEO, former PBOT bike coordinator, author, etc.. Mia Birk:

“This is the country’s finest plan… It’s not an anti-car plan, we’re not forcing anyone out of their cars. It will just make biking even more irresistible than it is today… We’ve proven bike transportation is a simple win-win solution for a host of issues… We’re also raising the bar for the whole country — they’re looking to us to continue. to show the leadership we’ve shown so far.”

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Jay Graves dressed well for
the big hearing.

Bike Gallery owner Jay Graves:

“We’ve got a half-million to a million people moving here in the coming years… We have to be bold. We have to do something different. I’m also a father… I used to be a “strong and fearless” rider, but the older I get I’m sliding into the “interested but concerned” category. I’m now enthused and concerned…”

Lillian Shirley, Director of Multnomah County Health Department:

“This plan supports social interaction and activity… It really promotes a sense of community… Another really important thing about the plan is that it helps us ensure the health of the community… It promotes a community vision that’s inclusive of all of us.”

Donna Cohen, St. Johns resident:

“When bikes pass pedestrians, the law says they should make an audible warning and move over… I find this to be the exception rather than the rule. I can’t support this plan until there’s more education and enforcement efforts on how bikes pass pedestrians on shared routes.”

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Terry Parker, resident:

“Motorists and taxpayers ought to be outraged… Stacked deck committees… Excessive price tag… Hidden from public view until recently… Bicyclists want special privileges and immunities… Heirarchy movements have no place in America… Redistribution of wealth is against the Constitution… They want all the thrills as long as someone else pays for it.”

Jonathan Nicholas, Marketing VP Oregon Dental Services, founder of Cycle Oregon, member of Metro’s Executive Council on Active Transportation:

“I’m not especially fond of bicycles… I think of bicycles the way I think about broccoli — really useful for some people but not ever going to be really popular. I don’t worry about bicycles, I worry about our city, and the people that live hear. The key players who care for our citizens are not commissioners; it is those who labor here to create and sustain the jobs that allow us to live…

We live in a profoundly sick city. Thousands of Portlanders are addicted to prescription drugs… and a vast amount of the maladies are self-inflicted… We’ve locked ourselves into a downward spiral… Staggering health care costs are stifling our growth and job creation. The solution isn’t more health care, it’s much less health care.

You may have heard of the concept of active transportation. It’s a multi-pronged assault… it’s nothing more than an integrated matrix within which people can comfortably walk or ride or take transit to everywhere they work or play… We’re advocating nothing less than the retro-fitting of our entire urban environment… Including those concrete rights of way [freeways] and re-purposing them for a higher purpose. The bicycle plan you can adopt today is just one small step in the direction of making biking one pillar of a fully integrated transportation system. The major employers of our community — no fewer than 5 of the top 7 in our city — are in the health business… They are clamoring for this commitment and you imperil us all today if you ignore their demands.”

Katie Larsell, outer East Portland resident:

“I think there’s huge potential to increase ridership in east Portland… We have 35% of all population… and benefits of more cyclists would have a disproportionate [positive] impact on our neighborhoods… Cycling makes for a good neighhood…

When it comes to business as usual, this plan leaves bicycling in outer East Portland out… The eastside needs proactive investment by the city of Portland if we are going to have the valuable bicycling amenitites that the rest of Portland has.”

Michelle Poyourow, BTA:

“Adopting this plan and building this plan is one of the biggest steps we can take in making Portland a healthy and safe city. I’ve heard a few people say this plan would be expensive if built… But I’d say, compared to what? If you compare the cost of this entire plan over 20 years, it compares to just one single light rail line… In addition, the cost of this plan — just like the cost of urban freeways — there are opportunities for us to get new sources of funding from federal and state sources. The BTA’s 100 business supporters support this plan and you’ve received letters from Portland Business Alliance in support and from a joint effort of the the BTA and the Bicycle Business League in support of this plan… I believe they support it because of the health care costs of their employees they’ll save on…”

Alison Graves, Community Cycling Center:

“This will make Portland the healthiest city in the county.”

Lenny Anderson, Director of Swan Island Transportation Management Association:

“[Bikeways on Swan Island] need to be above the curb (on the sidewalk)… I’m not going to rely on paint to protect me from a 54 foot truck.”

Don Arambula, Crandall/Arambula Architecture:

“[This plan is] timid and underwhelming… Don’t adopt it until actions put forward by George Crandall are addressed.” [See below for Crandall’s testimony/suggestions.]

George Crandall, Crandall/Arambula Architecture:

“This morning The Oregonian pointed out that only 7% of population will ride on the road with traffic… This plan does little to attract ridership.. Our firm’s analysis indicates this plan is for the strong and fearless — it’s a 10% solution.

Portland will be lucky to get 10% ridership with a bike boulevard and paint-on-the-street approach… It’s uninformed and full of exaggerations… The plan ignores the ‘capable but cautious’… Amsterdam, etc… achieved this mode split with cycle tracks connected to land use… It was developed by the strong and fearless to serve their constituents… Certainly is not a vision for the future… It’s a missed opportunity. Here’s what you should to: 1) Accept plan as as good first step. 2) Staff should refine it for a 40% solution 3) Do some economic stimulus analysis.”

Council has decided to postpone the vote until next week. Adams says, “Don’t worry, it’s going to pass!” Commissioner Fritz has a list of things she wants to look into.

Adams addressed the crowd:

“You want your city council invested in the details… taking another week to get those questions answered is really worth the cause … thanks for your patience.”

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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pat h
pat h
14 years ago

Nice. Thanks for the live update.

14 years ago

Mayor Adams said, “I believe we can’t afford not to do this.”

Funny how over at Mr. Rose’s live blog on the Boregonian, he quoted him as saying, “I believe we can’t afford to do this.”

Was that a purposeful slip by Mr. Rose, or a mistake?


Great reporting, Jonathan! Thanks for giving us the live blog (while I’m supposed to be working)!

14 years ago

All the thrills?
Has she ridden on a busy street without bike facilities? That’s no thrill.
Oh… and we DO pay… more than our fair share.

14 years ago

I am a motorist and I am not outraged… of course I am a biker too… whats that make me – a botorist?

Bob R.
Bob R.
14 years ago

Terry is not a she. He lives in my neighborhood and we’ve communicated and met in a variety of settings. Without getting into the specific arguments, let’s just say that for reasons that escape me, Terry has made it sort of a personal crusade of his to raise his objections to various bicycle-related issues loudly and often. Google “terry parker” and bicycle and you can see more…

14 years ago

Ah, yes, the community naysayer…we have several in Eugene.

Andrew Plambeck
14 years ago

For context, Shane.

Terry Parker is to bikes what Mark Robinowitz is to new development.

Matt Picio
Matt Picio
14 years ago

Awesome, Jonathan – in one paragraph you managed to sum up Terry Parker’s entire position – one which usually takes him 4-1/2 minutes.

For those who don’t know Terry Parker, that’s his arguments in a nutshell. Possibly the only thing missing is “scofflaw cyclists” and “registration and licensing”.

Matt Picio
Matt Picio
14 years ago

Jonathan Nicholas used to write for the Oregonian. It’s a crying shame that today’s crop of “journalists” at that establishment can’t match Nicholas’ caliber, skill, and mindset.

Henefer Morgan
Henefer Morgan
14 years ago

Thanx for doing this, JM. I’m here @ Council, too + it’s exhausting. Make sure you sum up those Crandall Arambula cranks, the BAC chair, and Chris Smith.

14 years ago

Terry Parker is a guy who likes to raise a ruckus at various community meetings about how bicyclists are “freeloaders”. Whenever he gets called out on his erroneous points, he pretends he hasn’t been. You can tell him how the automobile industry and the oil industry receive huge subsidies from federal taxes to keep prices artificially low. You can tell him that gas taxes and automobile registration licensing fees don’t actually pay for roads as much as things such as property taxes, which *everyone* pays (either directly or through a portion of their rent). He’ll still call you a “freeloader”.

But it’s *really* important not to think of him as a sore-headed crank. Instead, think of him as a purveyor of lies who needs to be shouted down lest easily-convinced types who don’t bother with fact-checking believe his drivel.

Paul Souders
14 years ago

I think we should form a Terry Parker fanclub. He says the same things every time, but not the exact same things, he’s always kind of jamming on particular themes. Kind of like a Dead show. At a certain point it transcends public commentary and becomes performance art. We could print t-shirts and call out requests.

Besides being kinda fun, this would help underline the “seriousness” of his “arguments.”

In all seriousness, we’re lucky to have someone like Terry who consistently props up strawmen for us and dares us to knock ’em down.

Phil Hanson
14 years ago

Terry Parker is full of shit. Income has been redistributed upward for decades, and look where that’s gotten us.

We can’t afford not to put bicycle infrastructure in place, and the sooner we do it the less it will cost. When the realities of peak oil come home to roost, even those now most deeply in denial will appreciate that progressive leaders and alternative transportation advocates had the vision and courage to move forward with new infrastructure projects.

14 years ago

Somehow, Terry Parker looked quite like I would have imagined.

14 years ago

Interesting comment about bikes passing pedestrians. I always take care to pass safely, but I have found that pedestrians might also need a little education about mixed use path behavior.

On many mixed use paths, I find when I signal with a bell or call out that I am going to pass, sometimes this leads to erratic behavior on the part of the pedestrian (even more so when it is a slower cyclist). I usually don’t ring my bell to alert someone far enough to my right for fear that they will interpret this as a signal that I want them to change their behavior and perhaps move to the left.

Does anyone else experience this?

14 years ago

Terry Parker is trying to be the Rob Anderson of Portland

14 years ago

Tony, I’ve had the same experience!

Especially on paths where people who live nearby are taking their dogs out to poop in the morning. These people tend to not be paying attention.

If I call out as I’m coming it usually really seems to startle them, so I slow down a bit and pass as far on the other side of the path as is safe. Usually people don’t notice me until I’m like 15 feet away, but I’m going slow enough that they might even have time to give me a dirty look for wearing spandex wool bike pants.

Even then though, I’m sure I still scare somebody. Maybe I’ll give them a flashback to a time when they really were endangered by a cyclist. Who knows.

I reserve “on your left” for when people are hogging the path. Even then I usually slow down a bit so I don’t have to yell from 30 feet away to give them the time they might need to react.

Andrew Plambeck
14 years ago

I like Paul’s idea.

“Play ‘dangerous scofflaws’ again!”


Andrew Plambeck
14 years ago

I like Paul’s idea.

“Play ‘dangerous scofflaws’ again!”
