Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bike project concerns shift to Lloyd District

NE Holladay, initially proposed to be completely carfree, could maintain full auto access.(Photo © J. Maus With the fire on North Williams Avenue somewhat under control for now, many people in the community who care about bicycling are now raising red flags about the situation in the Lloyd District; where what started out as three … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Lloyd District bike projects take center stage at open house

Stakeholder Advisory Committee member Justin Zeulner explains the NE Holladay project to an open house attendee.(Photos © J. Maus) Last night was the first public open house for the City of Portland’s Lloyd District Bikeway Development Projects. Within this planning process, PBOT is taking a close look at three projects that could dramatically improve the … Read more

City begins public process for trio of Lloyd District bikeway projects

Stakeholder advisory committee met this morning.(Photo © J. Maus) The City of Portland Bureau of Transportation began the public process on three projects aimed to improve biking in and around the Lloyd District this morning. The three projects (which we first reported on back in May) include: improving bike traffic flow through the NE 12th … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Lloyd District ponders bike-sharing system

Bike-sharing bikes from Montreal’s Bixi.(Photo © J. Maus) As public bike-sharing systems continue to be launched in cities around the country (including a novel new system being developed in New York City), the City of Portland still sits on the sidelines. But that hasn’t stopped the Lloyd District Transportation Management Association from exploring a system … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Electeds get into spirit at Bike to Work Day event

Metro Councilor Robert Libertygets the prize for best-dressedbiking politician today.(Photos © J. Maus) It’s not everyday that you get a free spread of food, coffee, free bike tune-ups, and a shot at raffle prizes just for biking into work. And it’s not everyday that you can see your Congressional representative, your Mayor, and two members … Read more