Study: Portland businesses believe in bike parking benefits

Cover of Bike Corrals: Local Business Impacts, Benefits, and Attitudes. –Download PDF– A preliminary study of Portland’s on-street bike parking corrals shows they’ve got widespread support from nearby business owners. The report also found that business owners perceive one out of every four of their customers arrive by bike. The study was done by Drew … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Newswire: PBOT installs four more bike corrals

December 7, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dan Anderson 503-823-3723 PBOT installs four more bike corrals The Portland Bureau of Transportation is unveiling four new on-street bike parking corrals today and tomorrow. PBOT has been working with the business community along Lower East Burnside to increase the amount of bicycle parking for customers. This … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The Division Streetscape Project aims to create “green main street”

An example of a curb extensionwith a bioswale (at SE Clay and 11th)(Photo © J. Maus) The city plans to turn SE Division Street into a “green main street” between SE 6th and SE 39th. Division Streetscape and Reconstruction project manager Elizabeth Mahon presented draft intersection redesign plans to the city’s Bicycle Advisory Committee last … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Widmer will celebrate new bike corral with ‘Bikes and Brews’ event

Crews installed the new bike corral this morning.(Photos © J. Maus) The folks at Widmer Brothers Brewery are so excited to have a new, on-street bike parking corral in front of their Gasthaus Pub (on N. Russell at Interstate), they’re planning a party to celebrate. On September 2nd they’ll host an event called “Bikes and … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

City installs 20th on-street bike parking facility

Bike corral on SE 28th.-Slideshow below/More images–(Photos © J. Maus) The City of Portland Bureau of Transportation completed the installation of another on-street bike parking corral last week. This one — on SE 28th at Pine in front of Ken’s Artisan Pizza and Bamboo Sushi — is the 20th on-street bike parking facility installed by … Read more