Meet the guy who circumnavigated Portland’s urban growth boundary by bike
“It’s a very surreal place.”
“It’s a very surreal place.”
Over 2,000 miles, including alleyways.
In a city that’s crazy for bikes, we also have a lot of people who do crazy things on bikes. There was Merritt Raitt who rode 650 laps around Ladd Circle in August 2011. And who can forget when friends Andy Edick and JT Lehman biked from Portland to the peak of Mt. Hood and … Read more
Because it’s there.
One year ago I rode up central Oregon’s spine and I still get chills thinking about it.
Still from Circle Century. Southeast Portland resident and hobbyist movie maker Merritt Raitt debuted a new film at Filmed by Bike over the weekend. Circle Century documents his attempt to ride 100 miles, non-stop around Ladd Circle. Raitt, who lives just a few houses down from the circle, accomplished his feat back in August 2011 … Read more
Does 650 laps sound like fun to you? Remember Portlander Merritt Raitt? He’s the amateur filmmaker whose “Commuter Dreams” piece went viral (over 64,000 views and counting), became the toast of film festivals nationwide, and even won him a trip to the Tour de France. Raitt’s next project is based just a few feet from … Read more