What we could learn from the Walmart parking lot at 82nd and Holgate
Most Americans drive through areas that are models for traffic calming almost every day of their lives. But we don’t call them greenways or woonerfs or home zones.
Welcome to our coverage of PBOT’s 20s Bikeway Project. See the official website for more information.
Most Americans drive through areas that are models for traffic calming almost every day of their lives. But we don’t call them greenways or woonerfs or home zones.
PBOT will move forward with their plans for the ’20s Bikeway’, despite many people hoping for a more robust bikeway on 28th.
Kirk Paulsen introduces us to the commercial greenway concept: a potential solution to the 28th Avenue debate.
We hope the four points below will advance the conversation and help us to get it straight on 28th.
Many readers have contacted those businesses to let them know they disagree with the decision.
An update on the community dialogue around bicycling on 28th Avenue and a guest essay from a business owner who signed the pro-parking petition.
Why did over 60 business owners along 28th Avenue oppose a bike lane? Read the letter they wrote to PBOT and see all of its signatories.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation on Thursday backed off from its proposal to replace about 100 auto parking spaces on 28th Avenue near Burnside with a buffered bike lane.
Where I share a road design from Rotterdam and wonder if it could work on a contentious section of NE/SE 28th.
Of 90 comments on the subject, 48 supported at least one buffered bike lane in the 28th Avenue commercial district.
For years, as Portland has looked for ways to calm auto traffic in commercial districts like N Denver, SE Stark or NE 28th, the biggest tool in its shed – the speed bump – has been off limits.
Rich Newlands seemed relieved Thursday night for a chance to talk about something other than its most controversial 4,000 feet.