Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The Erik Tonkin Column

[eriktonkin.bikeportland.org] I’m happy to announce that local professional ‘cross racer Erik Tonkin will be publishing a weekly column here on BikePortland.org. Well, not exactly here…I went and made him his own space. He’s gotten off to a great start with this article about how his friends help beat him up in mock races around Reed … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Portland Velo takes root

[Carlo Delumpa] Portland’s great cycling community just got even better. Local cyclists Carlo Delumpa (right), Susan France, David Kelly, Ty Lambert, David Russell and Rick Smith have launched Portland’s newest recreational cycling club, Portland Velo. Portland Velo was formed because the founders felt no existing group filled the growing need for organized road rides in … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Alan Koch; Super-retiree

Just wanted to make sure everyone reads this article by Margie Boule in Sunday’s Oregonian. It’s about a retiree named Alan Koch. For his 65th birthday he got a new Bianchi and is in the process of riding his bike on every street in Portland. That is awesome. It reminds me of one of Eleni’s … Read more