Undercover distracted driving sting leads to 107 stops in just 5 hours
Not sure how many deputies there were, but that’s a lot of law-breakers.
Not sure how many deputies there were, but that’s a lot of law-breakers.
Data will help anti-profiling advocates.
Politicians work in bubble from reality; police have no choice but to face it.
The PPB is all right on this one.
Anthony Allen was just coming home from work.
That’s a lot of dangerous behavior.
Another fatality on Mt. Scott raises concerns.
“It’s not your job to scare people to not use their cell phone.”
Like fish in a barrel.
Blame-filled language based on bias-fueled assumptions is not how we make progress toward zero deaths.
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Good things can happen when police and bikes mix with a fun community event.
Comment of the Week: The public health angle should matter more