Our local version of the World Naked Bike Ride isn’t just an amazing cycling spectacle and one of the largest clothing-free rides on the planet, it’s also an illustration of what makes our city so great. That is, the level of coordination and respect between volunteer ride organizers and the Portland Police Bureau is something to be proud of.
For years now, ride organizers have worked very closely with Police staff on route selection and other details. Both are trying to strike a balance between free, unfettered fun and safe and civil behaviors that don’t cause too many issues for everyone involved. These negotiations and compromises are why we don’t see the route spend as much time downtown anymore and why there’s a big push to attend one of the many free after-parties instead of hanging out in a huge crowd at the finish line. Police and ride volunteers meet months in advance to trade concerns and hash out differences.
But there’s one compromise more important than any other: The fact that the police are willing to look the other way when they see fully nude adult bodies rolling gleefully down our public streets. Yes, technically it’s illegal to for adults to be naked in public if there’s someone of the opposite sex within view. Of course this law isn’t ironclad and there are court precedents around free speech and protest; but the police could make the Naked Bike Ride a lot less naked if they really wanted to (sort of like how they could have let Critical Mass continue if they would have permitted the illegal — but safe and entirely reasonable — practice of allowing large groups to roll through stop signs; but I digress).
Today the Portland Police issued the following official statement to clarify their position on this issue:
In past years, this event has drawn an estimated 10,000 bicycle riders. According to the World Naked Bike Ride website, the event is an annual, worldwide bike ride that highlights the vulnerability of cyclists everywhere and decries society’s dependence on pollution-based transport.
The Portland Police Bureau will have officers dedicated to the event to ensure everyone is safe and to provide assistance at intersections. There may be short traffic delays and drivers or non-participants are asked in advance for their patience.
Portland City Code 14A.40.030 (Indecent Exposure) states the following:
It is unlawful for any person to expose his or her genitalia while in a public place or place visible from a public place, if the public place is open or available to persons of the opposite sex.
Although many participants may violate the letter of the Portland City Code, the Police Bureau will be exercising discretion for this protest event as long as participants stay on the route with the rest of the riders. People who “start early” and potentially disrupt other neighborhood events not associated with the official ride may not receive the same discretion.
At a bare minimum, the Portland Police Bureau recommends that riders at least wear a helmet and shoes to avoid any potential injuries. Bike lights are also highly recommended for riders as well as plenty of water or fluids.
“Bare minimum.” Get it? They’re even having some fun with it.
With so much bad behavior by police and with high tensions among those we trust to uphold the law and those we expect to abide by them; it’s nice to know there are still avenues for respect and cooperation.
For more on what happens behind the scene of the Naked Bike Ride, see our story from last year.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and jonathan@bikeportland.org
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I love participating in this event. I do not, however, get in the spirit and out of my clothes until I reach the starting point, and I put my clothes back on when I prepare to leave. Not being a drinker, the after parties are not my thing, but go for it if you feel like it.
If you choose to participate, I can pretty much guarantee you won’t be the superlative of any adjective you can think of (thinnest, fattest, ugliest, prettiest etc.).
It’s great that it’s going to be a warm night.
The hat passers will be there to raise money for the event – my rule of thumb is $5 per article of clothing you are going to wear on the ride – in my case that’s my helmet, socks and shoes.
I’d like to hear a statement of leadership by the mayor. Beforehand.
This piece is factually incorrect.
Public nudity without the intent to arouse is recognized as a form of constitutionally protected speech in OR. Moreover, legal precedent indicates that the Portland ordinance does not apply to nudity that is “intended as a protected symbolic or communicative act”.
When have laws ever stopped the police from telling people what they can and can’t do? You may be right, but you don’t want to spend a night in jail on some BS charge they will drop a week later. They know this, and that’s why they act the way they do.
That has also always been my understanding in OR. I have seen several random nude people over the years, some talking to police, and the police then leaving. A few years ago there was a naked guy downtown near my office, and the cops told a female co-worker who asked about it that there was nothing he could do about it until the guy did something sexually suggestive. This must be a new city policy….but I would think that in a courtroom situation, legal precedence would prevail.
All true. You have the right to do and say all kinds of things. Doesn’t mean they’re necessarily a good idea.
And there’s always something to protest: PBA, PBR (tastes as nasty as the PBA does), new bike lanes that aren’t 30ft wide, shuttle bus drivers at the zoo, car drivers at the zoo, bicycles at the zoo, music selection at the zoo, small trees at ugly developments, bike lanes that go both ways on one side of the street, Amanda Fritz, being punched in the head and having your bike stolen, beards, Republicans, dogs that bark at cats, Big Oil, Little Oil, squirrels (cute, tasty, but oh so hard to catch), and, well, I could go on for some time.
Suffice it to say, I’m covered if the police decide to go all anti-naked on us.
That fake law is transphobic.
and racist! and ageist! and ableist! and fascist!
Another year goes by and again I can’t go. They scheduled this ride on the same day as my wedding and I somehow doubt my conservative Mormon family, already attending my gay wedding, would be up for us riding away naked at the end of it. Plus, I’m sure I’ll have a lot of clean up to do when the party’s over. Oh well, ya’ll have fun for me.
PPB is only partially correct here. Because it’s legal being naked if you are exercising your right to free speech (as per the Oregon constitution, as cited above).
If you want to be legal riding naked anywhere, anytime, in Oregon, you need to be actively exercising your right to free speech. So, if you have any particular issue you’re concerned or passionate about, be ready to let anyone who asks know. Or just write/paint it on your body so nobody even needs to ask.
And, to keep it well within the law, call attention to your cause (not your body) when interacting with clothed folks, stay off private property, be nice, etc.
Also, this:
Ted Buehler
‘so much bad behavior by police’…geez, Jonathan, your bias is just so attractive.
He’s not here to turn you on!
Why does writing “so much bad behavior by police” show bias?
Because it was written as a ‘news’ article, and then Jonathan felt the need to thrown in his gratuitous, irrelevant judgement about police for no particular reason, other than he can.
Why would you assume it was written as a pure “news” article? The bikeportland banner says “bikeportland.org–to inform AND inspire” (my caps) not “to inform neutrally”.
More importantly, the column was about the police approach to the event. Bad police behavior is one of the top current news topics, and it’s prevalent enough that calling it “bad” is factual reporting, not just an opinion.
Jonathan wrote, “With so much bad behavior by police and with high tensions among those we trust to uphold the law and those we expect to abide by them; it’s nice to know there are still avenues for respect and cooperation.”
To me, that’s a perfect summation of the point of the column. Calling other police behavior “bad” in that context is factual reporting. If this WERE a pure news reporting piece (which it isn’t) in fact the bias would be the “nice to know…” part, which is positive towards the police, not negative.
The headlines claims police won’t bust naked riders, but last year I witnessed numerous busts.
The busts I recall were naked.
Anyone have a ride report? I bet the temps were good.
Just like last year… numerous busts.
Yes Kitty and so was kitty:D
Good route, good afterparty in the fountain, great spectators ready to slap hands all along the route. The usual buzzkill comments over on Oregon Live.
See you all at Loud and Lit this Friday!!!
I’ve run into this event two years in a row now while trying to get home at night alone on my bike. I understand that the impulse behind it is good natured, but it’s kind of creepy.
This was my third year, thoroughly enjoyed the ride. There were people of all ages and body types participating. I saw a pre-teen boy riding with his dad (I’m guessing) and plenty of people in the 20 – 65+ age groups. Saw some very fit, athletic bodies, as well as plenty of people carrying extra weight – one of the aims of the protest is to promote body positivity.
The evening was warm, so it was comfortable to strip off and hang out in Fernhill Park before hand, and the ride was comfortable. Fernhill is closer to where I live than the last two starting locations so that was a bonus. I thought the crowd was exceptionally mellow and well behaved. I smelled pot smoke from time to time, but nobody appeared to be overtly intoxicated. The only beverage on sale appeared to be Yerba Mate, and they were assiduously collecting the empty cans.
We set off at 9 p.m. and headed towards NE Sandy, over the Burnside Bridge, down Third Ave, left at the Federal Courthouse and into the Waterfront Park. My only problem was my rear tire started to leak (faulty valve stem I think) – I had checked my bike over during the afternoon, so I was kind of annoyed (I must have damaged the stem when I was pumping the tire). I noticed this at 8.45, and had to make the decision – inflate and hope for the best, or change the tube. I inflated and hoped for the best – only had to reinflate once on NE Sandy Blvd, but thrice more before I got home.
A lot of people ride naked to the event and home again – my husband doesn’t like me to do this (I think he thinks I’ll get arrested), so I kept my gear on until I got to the park, and rerobed before heading home.
There were a lot of voyeurs (fully clothed, no bike) at Fernhill Park, I suggested to the volunteer donation collectors that they ask them for $100. I mean, if you’re nude in public you have no expectation of privacy, but really, it’s not meant to be an opportunity to be a looky loo.
I volunteered to help clean up Fernhill on Sunday. I was really pleased that the park was in really good shape. The volunteers who stayed to clean up after the protest set off did a really great job at cleaning up after everyone. Plus I think that most people didn’t bring anything to leave behind, and there were no food vendors, so I guess that helps.
A great time had by all.
My wife and I are working here in the PNW temporarily. We heard about the ride and it sounded like great fun. It was! Great fun!! I loved the way the police shut down the intersections to keep us safe. I heard one clothed guy, camera in hand, at Fernhill Park say “It’s just an excuse for the guys to run around naked.” I noticed that he attended a cycling event without a bicycle. I wonder what his excuse was? Anyway, thanks Portland for helping us get weird! Best city ever!
All of u should be arrested for corruption of minors. White people are something else. Blacks get shot dead jogging in one state, arrested for pants sagging in another , and whites are so empowered that that can get on a bike, buck naked, and ride in front of minors claiming they’re “protesting”
, excusing themselves as being “without intent to arouse”..arouse whom? An onlooker, or other riders? Well if that’s the case, having sex outside should be legal, as long as the couple claims they have no intent to arouse anyone!
The MAIN ONES pushing that we all strip naked are the homosexual community. That’s why it just so happens to be in June. But I’m sure they will claim its for another reason.
If you want to be naked among others, fine. Forcing others to see you in public streets isn’t your “free speech” its forced listening. U have a right to speak. You DONT have a right to place me in a spot where I am forced to
This isn’t about religion or atheism. GOP or democrat. This is about forcing ypur sexual addiction upon others
If this is Ok, can school teachers show up naked in protest of a bad contract, and teach little kids? They can claim they promise not to arouse..is that OK?
This last illustration is the nail in the coffin, so all you now can do is insult me personally…watch..
You do realize you are commenting on a story that’s 3 years old and there were people of all races/nationalities involved with the WNBR. That’s why it’s called the “world” naked bike ride, not the “white” naked bike ride.
If you can’t deal with seeing some happy naked people, I am not sure how you survive day-to-day, seeing the poverty and violence that go on that is way more obscene than what the sweet lord has blessed you with.
Being naked has nothing to do with sexual addiction. Being naked is something we all have in common.
I dont HAVE to be subjegated to “happy naked people” if I dont want to be… therefore, dont waltz your naked behinds down the street at minors.
Secondly, the idea of the article being three years old, means what exactly? here you are commenting on it. So are you special? the people themselves still obviously think as they do. So your “3 years old” point is moot.
Regarding “poverty and violence” and trying to make your own horrible behaviors as “just” is terrible. Since children are starving in Africa, I should ignore the police brutality in Chicago? Since there are homeless in The united states, I should ignore the sex trafficking in Africa?
what kind of “quick! look over there!” logic is that?Id this issue is no big deal, please contact “bikeportland” and let them know to delete this unimportant story and save server space, and run more stories about poverty and violence instead, then you can comment there.
Lastly, “being naked has nothing to do with sexual addiction”
Apparently, you have a mind meld with every single bike rider in the event, so as to make that blanket statement. because clearly, someone with a voyeur or exhibition sexual addiction couldnt possibly want to attend such an event. In fact, none ever have, right?
we know this because uh…um…ih…well we just know this.
Youre talking to someone that has been to nudist camps. And I also have seen the behaviors of such places. And I also have been told the stories of such ones that attended on the regular basis…
Those same people will run to other events
Let me openly state to you a reality.. lets talk about breast feeding. Its natural. So is urinating. Yet there are women on youtube that insist on doing such, Not simply because their kid is being fed, but to make a point, and Show themselves to others whom they know wouldnt feel comfortable. Forcing them to accept it. Heres the smoking gun… some of those women are low end pornography movie makers. Did you know that? no you didnt.
because when you open the door to perversion, claiming its just, you get perverts. One doesnt have to remain one. We define perverted behaviors. the same definitions that others might call “accepted behaviors”
So if I were to ask those bike riders questions, how many would confirm a yes answer?
1.Have you ever been to a nude beach?
2.Are you a swinger, or willing to swing?
3.Are you a homosexual, bisexual, or see yourself as part of the Lgbt community?
4.Have you ever been to an adult book store where sexual behaviors took place?
5.Have you ever been to a nudist camp with children present?
6.Do you feel the age of consent should be dropped to 16 in the usa as it is in Australia and the UK?
7. Do you feel pornography is harmful to a society?
8 would you allow your child to watch porn if he or she were under 18?
9 Would you allow your teen kids living with you to have sex in your home with their boyfriend or girlfriend up in their room?
10. Do you feel weed should be legalized for any use one wishes?
11. Would you ban all organized religions if the law would allow for it?
here are the questions that all will answer no to:
Have you ever been diagnosed with sexual addiction?
Have you, or do you currently attend Saa meatings?
Is masturbation addictive?
Are you against getting drunk/high?
Do you dislike social media?
Now that I know what sort of behaviors are in that city of yours, I now know why an old peer of mine moved her stupid self out there.
when white people in the usa or the UK do or experience something they deem it as equaling “the entire world”
the planet had been dealing with terrorism for decades, but on 9-11 we in the usa said “the whole world changed”
when we win in baseball, we call it the “world” series.
every person on that list is a white person. Even Cleopatra is depicted as white. And the rare times they depict a non white, its to show how that person caused white people to be less racist toward their people. Missing from that list is Martin luther king. But Bruce lee? on the list. Mohammed Ali? not on the list..
Listen, your people set your rules, and break them, then legalize yourselves. While arresting others for far lesser behaviors, like Pants sagging..
where blacks are 98% of the arrests https://www.shreveporttimes.com/story/news/2019/06/02/black-men-make-up-96-percent-sagging-arrests-shreveport/1285063001/
when you make your court system, you suddenly demand respect. In a courtroom in oregon, you have the following rules about what one cannot wear:
Tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, bare midriff tops, low cut blouses, see through tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, or anything that is backless.
Sheer or lacy tops are allowed as long as appropriate garment or camisole is worn to cover undergarments.
Dresses or skirts shorter than the fingertips of extended arms. Must be modestly covered while bending, reaching or sitting.
Shorts (on men or women). No pajama pants.
Skirts or pants with waists that allow undergarments to be seen. No sagging, bagging or dragging pants.
Clothing that is dirty or that has large holes; cut-off sleeves or pants.
Hats or bandanas/do-rags.
Clothing that display controlled substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), double meanings,
hate motivated behavior, illegal activities, obscene gestures or language, profanity, sexual references, or violence.
Slippers, bare feet, rubber shoes or flip flops (dress sandals are allowed).
Chains that could be used as weapons.
Garments meant to be worn as undergarments, worn as outer garments.
Leggings when worn alone (allowed if worn as tights).
Odd how your judges demand a code of dress. because it is respectful. But apparently my kids are not to be shown respect..and you can hop on a bike and expose your D** to them. Just so long as YOU feel you do so with love and kindness..and not sexual arousal, right? just so long as YOU feel its ok, I should feel its ok too, right, white man?
that same “step on others, and shut up about it” logic is how the blacks got here, how the indians ended up in reservations, why the mexicans are so widely catholic, why “china towns” exist, how the USA leads the world in abortions, remote army army bases, and war deaths, and why city parks for kids end up smelling like Dog parks. LOL
how ya like me now?
when white people in the usa or the UK do or experience something they deem it as equaling “the entire world”
the planet had been dealing with terrorism for decades, but on 9-11 we in the usa said “the whole world changed”
when we win in baseball, we call it the “world” series.
every person on that list is a white person. Even Cleopatra is depicted as white. And the rare times they depict a non white, its to show how that person caused white people to be less racist toward their people. Missing from that list is Martin luther king. But Bruce lee? on the list. Mohammed Ali? not on the list..
Listen, your people set your rules, and break them, then legalize yourselves. While arresting others for far lesser behaviors, like Pants sagging..
where blacks are 98% of the arrests
when you make your court system, you suddenly demand respect. In a courtroom in oregon, you have the following rules about what one cannot wear:
Tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, bare midriff tops, low cut blouses, see through tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, or anything that is backless.
Sheer or lacy tops are allowed as long as appropriate garment or camisole is worn to cover undergarments.
Dresses or skirts shorter than the fingertips of extended arms. Must be modestly covered while bending, reaching or sitting.
Shorts (on men or women). No pajama pants.
Skirts or pants with waists that allow undergarments to be seen. No sagging, bagging or dragging pants.
Clothing that is dirty or that has large holes; cut-off sleeves or pants.
Hats or bandanas/do-rags.
Clothing that display controlled substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), double meanings,
hate motivated behavior, illegal activities, obscene gestures or language, profanity, sexual references, or violence.
Slippers, bare feet, rubber shoes or flip flops (dress sandals are allowed).
Chains that could be used as weapons.
Garments meant to be worn as undergarments, worn as outer garments.
Leggings when worn alone (allowed if worn as tights).
Odd how your judges demand a code of dress. because it is respectful. But apparently my kids are not to be shown respect..and you can hop on a bike and expose your Dks to them. Just so long as you feel you do so with love and kindness..and not sexual arousal, right? just so long as YOU feel its ok, I should feel its ok too, right, white man?
that same “step on others, and shut up about it” logic is how the blacks got here, how the indians ended up in reservations, why the mexicans are so widely catholic, why “china towns” exist, how the USA leads the world in abortions, remote army army bases, and war deaths, and why city parks for kids end up smelling like Dog parks. Lol
how ya like me now?
when wypepo in the usa or the UK do or experience something they deem it as equaling “the entire world”
the planet had been dealing with terrorism for decades, but on 9-11 we in the usa said “the whole world changed”
when we win in baseball, we call it the “world” series.
every person on that list is a wypepo. Even Cleopatra is depicted as white. And the rare times they depict a non white, its to show how that person caused white people to be less racist toward their people. Missing from that list is Martin luther king. But Bruce lee? on the list. Mohammed Ali? not on the list..
Listen, your people set your rules, and break them, then legalize yourselves. While arresting others for far lesser behaviors, like Pants sagging..
where blacks are 98% of the arrests
when you make your court system, you suddenly demand respect. In a courtroom in oregon, you have the following rules about what one cannot wear:
Tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, bare midriff tops, low cut blouses, see through tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, or anything that is backless.
Sheer or lacy tops are allowed as long as appropriate garment or camisole is worn to cover undergarments.
Dresses or skirts shorter than the fingertips of extended arms. Must be modestly covered while bending, reaching or sitting.
Shorts (on men or women). No pajama pants.
Skirts or pants with waists that allow undergarments to be seen. No sagging, bagging or dragging pants.
Clothing that is dirty or that has large holes; cut-off sleeves or pants.
Hats or bandanas/do-rags.
Clothing that display controlled substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), double meanings,
hate motivated behavior, illegal activities, obscene gestures or language, profanity, sexual references, or violence.
Slippers, bare feet, rubber shoes or flip flops (dress sandals are allowed).
Chains that could be used as weapons.
Garments meant to be worn as undergarments, worn as outer garments.
Leggings when worn alone (allowed if worn as tights).
Odd how your judges demand a code of dress. because it is respectful. But apparently my kids are not to be shown respect..and you can hop on a bike and expose your john to them. Just so long as YOU feel you do so with love and kindness..and not sexual arousal, right? just so long as you..you feel its ok, I should feel its ok too, right, white man?
that same “step on others, and shut up about it” logic is how the blacks got here, how the indians ended up in reservations, why the mexicans are so widely catholic, why “china towns” exist, how the USA leads the world in abortions, remote army army bases, and war deaths, and why city parks for kids end up smelling like Dog parks. Lol
how ya like me now?
It shows you the flip flop behavior of white America. I had to remove all the caps from my comment so it wouldn’t be flagged by moderation bots. And its a story about you low level whites riding biles buck naked in the street. Caps are offensive..but your buck naked people riding bikes in the 10s of thousands in front of minors isn’t.
The lgbt gay pride parade, which is what this actually is, has always been about pedophilia. It once Included the man boy love association. Their parade videos were sold in adult book stores. Because they are about sex, not “civil Rights”
I cant imagine if blacks were protesting naked in Portland! You white people would shoot us all down.
Are you interested in a conversation? In understanding others’ perspectives on this subject? Or did you come to lecture us?
that comment sounds eerily familiar..
Oh oh yeah… the homosexuals in Sodom..
“Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.
now , what were you yapping about? lecturing you? how much of a “conversation” is had when youre on a bike buck naked, and minors are in the streets or in their homes?
this reminds me of the cheap excuses used by the pedophiles in L. A. fitness, who sit around totally dry and without any reason to remain naked in the locker rooms… Holding towels around themselves…and as soon as a littple boy comes in so as to get to the pool, they all drop their towels…Nah…they have good intent, they just all had to pick something up …at the same time…thats all.. they are innocent…
and yeah, its innocent that La fitness, continues to place the pool on the opposite side of the locker rooms
and yeah its innocent that they place the pool against a glass window where people are looking in at you in your swimsuit… totally innocent…they all had great intent. they just wanted you to be able to see outside… to the parking lot.. in the front of the building, right where people can drive past and look…
totally innocent.
Listen, we live in an environment awash with pedophile wanna be types, rapists, and group sex participants, by force if left without police check.
from every “barely legal” video to every bathing suit contest for minor girls.
and all…and I mean all of them,including homosexuals who become Gym teachers and have access to look upon naked school children in locker rooms, will claim they are justified and honest, all while bashing priests as pedophiles and hypocrites.
the very fact that the media gets the story and people started flying in to ride a bike!? that shows you the real truth.
And there is nothing at all pleasant about the narrow seats on bikes anyhow. everyone knows it, but wants to appear “cool”
Narrow a** people can, and thats about it. people are placing pads in their riding shorts to deal with that horrible seat bikes have had for the last 30 years.
and now youre getting naked on that same seat!? women!?
So it has nothing to do with “freedom” because that sh** aint comfortable at all. so that only leaves the idea of being naked so others can see you…Making all of you, exhibitionists, not “protesters”
How many of them are seen flying in to other states to protest the same issue, clothed? zreo…thats how many..
You fakers are a trip..I’ll tell ya! LOL
Its sad, that when I look back at my life, that I was even ever one of you people. U once looked appealing.. Now I see you as twisted and demonized, brainwashed by tv, and sexually addicted to dopamine.