Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Press Release: Commissioners File Ordinance to Relocate Sauvie Island Bridge

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Contact: Tom Miller, 503-823-1121 April 23, 2008 Or: Shoshanah Oppenheim, 503-823-1125 ADAMS, LEONARD, AND SALTZMAN FILE ORDINANCE TO ACQUIRE AND RELOCATE SAUVIE ISLAND BRIDGE (PORTLAND, OR) – The Portland Office of Transportation (PDOT) announced today that City Commissioners Sam Adams, Randy Leonard, and Dan Saltzman will together file a City … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Press Release: Press Conference for Sauvie Span Re-use Plan

This just in from PDOT: COMMISSIONERS ADAMS, LEONARD, AND SALTZMAN ANNOUNCE NEW APPROACH TO ACQUIRE AND RELOCATE SAUVIE ISLAND BRIDGE (PORTLAND, OR) – A press conference to announce the City’s new approach to acquire the center span of the Sauvie Island Bridge and relocate it from its current location to NW Flanders Street over I-405 … Read more