Taylor Griggs

Taylor Griggs

Taylor was BikePortland's staff writer from 2021 to 2023. She currently writes for the Portland Mercury. Contact her at taylorgriggswriter@gmail.com

BikePortland Articles by Taylor Griggs

The Street Trust and Biketown kick off program to reel in new riders

“There’s definitely an interest in BIKETOWN, but accessing it is still a barrier for a lot of people.” -André Lightsey-Walker Last Friday, transportation advocacy non-profit The Street Trust (TST) held their first event in a series of group rides to help new people get comfortable riding around the city using Biketown, Portland’s electric bike share … Read more

Woman hit by a driver on SE Hawthorne reflects on infrastructure changes

Southeast Portlander Nicole Funke has walked across SE Hawthorne Blvd countless times. As a pedestrian and transit advocate who travels around Portland without a car, Funke knows about the dangers cars and their drivers pose, and she does everything she can to keep herself safe while getting around. But after a recent run-of-the-mill grocery trip … Read more

Activists want ‘Deeds not words’ as Portland adopts climate work plan

“What are the serious actions that the city is willing to take?” – Janet Weil, Extinction Rebellion PDX “Deeds not words” was the message a group of activists with Extinction Rebellion PDX had for Portland City Council at their meeting this morning where they voted to approve the city’s Climate Emergency Work Plan. The work … Read more