Comment of the Week: McLoughlin Blvd and pulp fiction
Sometimes a man with a trike needs to cross town, and he doesn’t care what life tosses him.
Sometimes a man with a trike needs to cross town, and he doesn’t care what life tosses him.
It’s okay to prioritize better sidewalks.
A jubilant day that was decades in the making.
Incrementalism leaves no legacy.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) released its progress report for the Southwest in Motion (SWIM) plan last month and announced that nine projects and 21 crossing enhancements have been completed since the plan was adopted in December, 2019. The report opened by noting that “less of the planned bike network has been built in … Read more
Breaking a law for your own convenience at the expense of everyone else? Not cool.
Peterson goes deep into her diverse experience, but her clean narrative makes for a less interesting book.
A longtime Alpenrose velodrome volunteer chimes in.
300 new homes, how about some bike lanes and sidewalks too?
Riding is even more fun with others.
Do you prefer the Alder, Cedar, or Maple version?
Who’s in, who’s out. What’s in, what’s out.